File: dagobah_anon_partyhard_reloaded_08.swf-(1.97 MB, Loop)
[_] party hard party hard 10/28/12(Sun)14:23 No.1795101
party hard party hard party hard party hard party hard party hardparty hardparty hardparty
hardparty hardparty hardparty hardparty hardparty hard
>> [_] Alice !CatM/3I836 10/28/12(Sun)14:53 No.1795116
stop now.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/12(Sun)16:30 No.1795185
How can you tell if its skrillex or not?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/12(Sun)17:03 No.1795217
because it sounds like a cat in a woodchipper
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/12(Sun)18:06 No.1795269
the same way you can determine most songs: by squishing the window horizontally
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/12(Sun)19:48 No.1795333
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/12(Sun)20:27 No.1795352
I hate skrillex with a passion, but I do have to admit, the entire .7 seconds of this that
actually IS dub step is pretty good, though I will say i sort of kind of, not really though,
enjoy this more than some of his other work
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/12(Sun)21:14 No.1795379
Yeah it's nice
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/12(Sun)21:18 No.1795383
Some of his songs are decent. Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites sounds awesome on the piano.