File: katawa_crash_beta_8-36.swf-(5.31 MB, Game)
[_] because theres no [G] on /f/ Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)00:51 No.1819106
post stats...mine was just a bit over 9000
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)01:04 No.1819117
God damn it, student council.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)01:04 No.1819118
Hit it at 45.5 degree angle (holy fuck)
and 97% power (double fuck)
AND THEN 4 special events and I went a total of 14,698.26 and a max height of almost 300.
Jesus christ.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)01:07 No.1819122
Over 5000 doesn't seem to stop
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)01:10 No.1819124
This game's too boring. You can't lose.
Current progress:
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)01:11 No.1819127
Finally ended, results:
Distance: 11689.93
Height: 287.96
Max Speed: 71.30
Objects Struck: 18
Special Events: 3
>> [_] Mr. B !jTwseny72A 11/29/12(Thu)01:13 No.1819130
Read 'em and weep, motherfuckers.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)01:37 No.1819150
>No new changelog since August
>The August one isn't even available to the public
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:14 No.1819164
currently at 20+k m
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:24 No.1819167
8 mins. and this fucker is still going. Fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:31 No.1819173
ok.... i got multiball, hit ludicrous speed hit a straighten up and am traveling between 190 -
300 m/s and am getting over 10 k height.... wtf.... currently at 60 k, went afk, every time i go
back i still havent hit the ground with any of the 3.
is this hacked?
>> [_] Mr. B !jTwseny72A 11/29/12(Thu)02:36 No.1819177
No, just buggy at times.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:39 No.1819181
The fun isn't in getting records but getting special events. Some are pretty cool.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:39 No.1819182
I got a super epic fucking drill girl cyber rocket blast that sent me over 200000 feet into the
air and turned me into a fireball
I'm at 30000m and counting at 150m/s
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:48 No.1819190
just passed 110k. so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:50 No.1819193
Just got 26000 m. Why is this so addictive?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:57 No.1819200
This game would be more fun if everything didn't give you an upwards boost so that you only see
your character once or twice a minute.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)02:59 No.1819204
The sweet Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei music
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)03:04 No.1819205
Is that a marathon (the game) logo I see flying past me occasionally instead of a face? Can
someone that managed to land on that tell me what it does?
I fucking loved marathon.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)03:47 No.1819228
It's just a character that gives a boost.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)04:08 No.1819236
Love how the first question on the linked faq is 'wtf'
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)04:14 No.1819239
35000 and rising and he split into two.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)04:20 No.1819240
I don't even
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)04:35 No.1819244
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)04:58 No.1819246
>get taken for a ride twice in one run
>still never got Unlimited Drill Works
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)05:02 No.1819248
why would anyone play this garbage. i would rather shoot myself in the face.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)05:10 No.1819250
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)05:10 No.1819251
Misha is taking me for a ride now
oh god help
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)05:17 No.1819253
I'm slightly past 35K
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)06:12 No.1819268
How do i lost?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)06:26 No.1819271
You should shoot yourself in the face. Why haven't you done it yet? Make the world a better place
and do it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)07:04 No.1819276
Total distance: 107840.37
Maximum height: 1197.33
Maximum speed: 171.64
Objects struck: 60
Special events: 14
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)07:04 No.1819277
Also, I like that there is a Rin in a Bin special event. I created that meme.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)07:12 No.1819281
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)07:52 No.1819293
and still counting
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)08:20 No.1819299
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)08:41 No.1819308
>everything's going smoothly
>suddenly 3 Student Councils IN A ROW murder everyone
>All my hopes and dreams destroyed
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)10:54 No.1819362
Some Bitch wanted to take me for a ride...... twice
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)13:19 No.1819415
My highscore is near 30,000.
Funny thing is I was playing this earlier today and now that this get's posted it's just lol.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)13:54 No.1819430
Suddenly swallowed by misha (heh) and taken for a ride.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)13:59 No.1819437
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)14:29 No.1819447
If only this could be played properly on a smartphone. It keeps stopping the power at 1%.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)14:36 No.1819451
I believe rather than "clicking" it you have to "hold" down the touchpad until you get the power
you want. Just don't let go until you reach the power meter.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)15:34 No.1819487
oh shit i've tripled
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)16:29 No.1819511
should be named: aGameForMiserableFucks.swf
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)16:38 No.1819515
Distance 41809.68
Height 557.32
Speed 137.94
Objects 21
Events 3
I loved the sequence where the girl's head swallows you and you rocket off forward, hilarious.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)16:46 No.1819519
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/12(Thu)16:54 No.1819523
name of the song?