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This is resource DUP2HD9, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/11 -2012 15:51:55

Ended:22/11 -2012 18:53:55

Checked:24/11 -2012 19:01:17

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 35.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: UcogiGames - SuckerSuck v2.3.swf-(1.93 MB, Game)
[_] [H] fap fap fap Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)02:00 No.1814071

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)02:21 No.1814081

  Most of us play porn games with one hand.

  For that reason, they should either be easy, or not fucking time based.

  I find this difficult to masturbate to.

>> [_] Mr. Kidnapper 11/22/12(Thu)02:32 No.1814095

  >not knowing how to get to the X-treme gallery

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)02:39 No.1814101

  1)take down blinds
  2)get to orange hair girl
  3)click the light swich, then her heels, then his hand
  4)click the blue balls
  5)click top right corner,then click NO, and her eyes last

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)03:39 No.1814128

  "Get To Orange Hair Girl"
  What does that mean?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)04:13 No.1814143


>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:01 No.1814166

  I click on the lightswitch in step 3, but there's no spot to click on here heels.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:02 No.1814167

  Nevermind, looks like it's switch, hand heels, not heels, hand.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:22 No.1814174


  this advice doesn't work.
  and I also have no idea what "get to orange hair girl" means.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:24 No.1814177

  just because you are retarded it doesnt mean it dosnt work.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:27 No.1814178


  Form a proper sentence, then try to talk to me about how not being able to follow vague
  instructions that don't work constitutes as retardation.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:49 No.1814185

  I assume you are a retard, because your brain isn't able to follow simple instructions.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:56 No.1814186


  Thank you. While your sentence is legible, your own retardation lies in how presumptuous you are.
  There are differences in what is perceived and what is not, especially in how text is perceived
  and the underlying vagueness involved in text communication. Someone can think they are
  completely forthright with instructions and there will be people that understand and people that
  don't. This isn't an issue in retardation but an issue of ambiguity. And your inability to
  distinguish that means you lack both common sense and social grace. But I guess this is 4chan
  we're talking about here.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:57 No.1814187

  I will give you simple instructions, even a 10 year old kid would be able to follow it.

  >click on the strings(it will light up the room with the window)
  >play the game one time(it will turn the black haired girl into a orange haired girl)
  > click the light switch, the guy's left hand, and then the girl's heels(all of them will show a
  different mouse cursor, meaning it can be clickable).
  >advance the talk one time(It will appear blue balls)
  >click blue balls(the ones that appeared in the last instruction)
  >click the top right corner of the flash game, click the word "NO", and then click on the white
  eyes(all of them will show a different mouse cursor, meaning it can be clickable).
  >advance through talk and you will be rewarded with the gallery mode.

  If you still doesn't understand what you need to do, please give us christmas gift by shooting
  yourself in the head several times.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:57 No.1814188

  who the fuck enjoys these stupid games, seriously??

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)05:59 No.1814189

  Your inability to distinguish what the other fellow said is known as being a retard.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)06:00 No.1814191


  >if you still doesn't

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)06:02 No.1814193


  Thank you for completely missing my point. Complete ignorance of anything but surface structure.
  How delightfully ironic.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)06:11 No.1814195

  Because you can't figure out what orange hair is you pick fight with other idiots on the internet
  while using the guise that you're actually intelligent

  >Woman with Orange hair
  In any other words a redhead you find her in the game by doing the instructions before her
  appearance then playing the game until she appears

  and >>1814189
  Feel free to keep antagonizing him if he still argues his legitimacy or your sentence structure

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)06:20 No.1814199

  Congratulations you're the dumbest person in a ucogi porn flash thread.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)06:38 No.1814204

  I swear to god on the final stage with the last two ten both are fake what do?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)06:52 No.1814205

  I remember when I played this game. Must've spent like half an hour on it.

  The hard mode actually turned out to be easier.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)06:54 No.1814206

  I WILL NOT SUBMIT TO BLUE BALLS what do about the two false tens on the stage X5?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)07:00 No.1814210

  it is possible, I already finished the game some time ago.


  You talk exactly like an art teacher I had years ago when I was at elementary.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)07:02 No.1814211

  herp derp he made a sentece structure error on the internetz lolz lolz !!!1one1!one11

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)07:05 No.1814214

  what part of "get to orange hair girl" is ambiguous????

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)07:10 No.1814215


  kind sir please, I must be doing something incorrectly?

  I had the mid-set back for each ten in the left corner

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)07:31 No.1814221

  so im at stage x5 of super extreme hard core mode or something and its the last stage but i both
  10s dont work...

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)07:36 No.1814222


  dude I'm having the same problem some other guy said he beat it already though

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)07:52 No.1814225

  I found out... when you see the blue balls... click on it, then click on the top right corner...
  then click on the word "no" then click on the white eyes and there you go... but idk how to
  access the "other" endings.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)08:35 No.1814231

  You have to touch the orange ball

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)08:54 No.1814235

  follow these instructions exactly escept in step 3 you click his hand before her heels, and when
  trying to click her heels make sure its directly in the center of them

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)11:37 No.1814273

  I closed it after I realized that choosing rimjob or assgrab leads to defeat. Don't get me wrong,
  I dislike femdom. But I don't even want to think what this shitty game will imply next. That
  wearing stockings during intercourse is gross?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)12:01 No.1814277

  >Oops! I accidentally fell asleep!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/12(Thu)12:13 No.1814280

  Just a tip - on stage X5 don't go for the numbered circles, go for the little yellow dots
  instead. The double 10s are fake.
Created: 22/11 -2012 15:51:55 Last modified: 24/11 -2012 19:01:25 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:18:40