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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Gat399 study14.swf-(269 KB, Loop) [_] classwork; critique plz Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)02:33 No.1784478 found some generic chiptune stuff on the web because it's better than complete silence. The goal of this assignment will eventually by a fully developed skeleton animation, and a muscle animation that will play the same motion but as separate animations... HOWEVER.... I have to get the general gesture, pose, and proportions down first. I'd love any and all feedback. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)02:42 No.1784495 First couple punches look a little... gay... but other than that its coming along great. No experience animating or drawing people, fyi >> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)02:46 No.1784496 Why does he has a bulge in some frames and in some not? >> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)02:49 No.1784499 From a Tae Kwon Do viewpoint, those first three punches would have the other hand chambered with the wrist adjacent to the hip. All but the first kick looks nice. The first kick if done properly would have the movement of the calf and thigh a completely separate motion. ie, the thigh extends first at a ninety degree angle to the ground with the calf pulled back, then the calf would extend into the target, then back to the chambered position before lowering, Hope it helps. >> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)03:20 No.1784517 The last kick looks kind of odd, add little more hip torque so it's a normal roundhouse kick rather than knee-shattering 80's action movie kick. >> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)03:33 No.1784523 Guy#1; Thanks for pointing it out. I'll definitely start looking for references of more aggressive looking punches. Guy#2; the dude's junk is actually a marker for where to place some construction stuff here n there, i got kinda lazy with it. You can actually use it to know where the center front of your hips are, along with where the very bottom are. Guy#3; I have absolutely no clue about proper form of punches, this is pretty helpful to know. My reference has generally been random youtube videos. Guy#4; alrighty. thanks for the input! :) >> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)05:01 No.1784577 Bit too much body rotation with the left hand punches and the last kick has some issues as >>1 |