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This is resource F6B41MB, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/10 -2012 19:04:27

Ended:15/10 -2012 01:59:36

Checked:19/10 -2012 00:35:59

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 57.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: zone-tan-sex-game.swf-(587 KB, Hentai)
[_] FUN Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)08:17 No.1784629


Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)08:22 No.1784630

  Not that hard once you figure it out.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)08:44 No.1784633

  Mind sharing with the rest of us how we do anything?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)08:46 No.1784634

  fuck me this game is impossible.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)09:00 No.1784637

  hardest game ever

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)09:10 No.1784643

  Seriously tell us how to do it.

  I can't undress this bitch.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)09:16 No.1784647

  Click and drag knees to spread open legs

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)09:19 No.1784649

  I hate games like this that are difficult. It feels like I'm trying to have sex with a girl while
  I'm blindfolded and wearing buttered up oven mitts that are duct taped to my wrists.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)09:20 No.1784650

  No shit ?

  Then what nigger ?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)09:40 No.1784654

  Give up, managed to get her naked, managed to get my banana in her and managed to get a
  substantial amount of pussy juices flowing, but after an hour and nothing... not worth it

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)09:51 No.1784659

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)10:17 No.1784668

  Jesus screw this unresponsive game.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)10:20 No.1784670

  try a easyer mode, i made it

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)10:41 No.1784675

  Search for ilila v1.2 it's essentially the same game. Try to find the version where the girl has
  glasses. She won't resist in that game.

  Anyway, you drag on her knees to get her to spread her legs. Then you drag the skirt upwards.
  Then you pull down the panties.

  By dragging her arms to the sides you can pull down the things that hold her top.

  Now if you spread her legs and pull both arms to the side, you can drag the bottom of the skirt
  upwards and remove all her clothes.

  To fuck her just rub her pussy, tits or keep moving your finger over her lips. Eventually your
  cock will appear.

  Spread her legs, click on her pussy and keep the mouse button held down and press space. From
  there on you can either rub her clit or keep fucking her to make her cum.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)10:43 No.1784677

  Set it to 1, 5, 5
  Use index finger to rub cheeks, chin, neck or ears to calm her down.
  When moving clothes grab from the thumb.
  To take her tops off slide the straps to the side and pull top DOWN.
  Lift her skirt and then you can fully remove her dress by pulling it up.

  Fuck her 5 times with pink orgasms to break her and win zero resistance mode.

  If she pushes you off push her hands back to the side of her head to wear her down.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)11:25 No.1784684

  And now we know how domestic violence happens.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)11:44 No.1784692

  god damn this fucking shit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)12:42 No.1784710

  This is too much fucking effort. Finally get her shit off. But she closes her legs every 2
  seconds. Fuck that!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)12:51 No.1784715

  If she wasn't so cute, I would've beaten her to death already

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:03 No.1784719

  how the fuck do you pull her top down, i pull the straps to the side but can't get them down is
  there a point on them your supposed to grab besides the top?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:11 No.1784724

  her fucking straps refuse to budge what the fuck am i doing wrong

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:14 No.1784725

  I need a mod where you can beat the shit out of her and then fuck her while she's unconscious.
  This shit is just dumb

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:22 No.1784730

  I need a mod where the spots you're supposed to click are greater than two pixels.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:28 No.1784735

  muuuuuch easier version here:

  this one is way easier but it really just makes me more pissed off i can't get this zone one to

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:30 No.1784736

  I've managed to get the clothes off. Got her wet once, but she immediately closed up and
  apparently got dry.
  Am I a champion at this yet?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:33 No.1784737

  I've gotten her clothes off, but there is still a problem.
  Having sex with her requires both hands.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:35 No.1784740

  No it doesn't after you get it in her, release the left mouse button and you can continue to plow
  her with the space key.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:37 No.1784741

  how the fuck do you even use the penis it just sits there completely non responsive just like
  everything else in this fucking game

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:41 No.1784743


  Soon I'll throw my laptop out of the window

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)13:55 No.1784752

  she literally will not let me open her legs anymore

  what the fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)14:11 No.1784769

  >Finally get her pants off
  >her pussy looks like a plastic blob
  Fuck this.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)14:27 No.1784778

  how the fuck do you finish in her, she's had to have had about 6 orgasms. That's when the screen
  flashes white right?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:00 No.1784792


  I think so, i've gotten that like 7 times or so but she still resists. What the fuck?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:01 No.1784793

  it took me 9 pink orgasms and 1 blue orgasm to finally cum inside her. she still resisted after
  when i tried to give her another blue, so idk what people are saying with 5pink=no resistance. it
  just takes patience, but finally doing it made it all that much sweeter

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:10 No.1784794

  i finally finished inside that bitch with the number 5 next to it. is that it? after i tried
  again and she pushed me away again! fuck you whore, i creampied you, go fuck yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:17 No.1784798

  this version might be easier. Managed to get all her clothes off

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:28 No.1784805

  This must have been made by some ultra omega virgin. I'm not exactly swimming in pussy but it's
  NEVER this hard to get a girl to fuck, especially if she's already laying down in front of you.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:32 No.1784808

  After 5 pink she crys and there is a fucking option to turn off resistance.

  To all the fools who cant move her clothes. Use the thumb as the grab point.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:38 No.1784813

  Rub it a little to get it wet, looks much better with some fluid

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:40 No.1784814

  Why is this so hard for you people?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:44 No.1784815

  I find it funny as fuck how some people can't even figure out simple shit that's explained 5
  times above their post. I hope this goes to 70+ replys again. Every day.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)15:46 No.1784816

  Where are you guys seeing this? As far as I can tell the only meter is the penis there in the

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)16:26 No.1784840

  I love this game so much, not only is Zone-tan my waifu but it's so damn satisfying to see people
  rage every day about a game that only took me one sitting to master(bate)

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)16:36 No.1784846

  So is clothes removal luck based? Is there only a four degree margin I have to work with? That's
  certainly what it feels like to me.
  >grab end of dress
  >aaaaand up
  >it falls back into place
  >falls back
  >up at a slightly different angle this time
  >doesn't even move
  >legs close
  >spend another minute trying to refind that one perfect path that allows the legs to open
  >grab dress
  >falls back into place
  This is really the only problem I'm having, terrible pathing, I guess would be the best word for

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)16:42 No.1784849

  Yeah she doesn't cry. 10 times i made her cum.... no crying. All ten were pink.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)16:42 No.1784850

  >It's like they made a realistic sex sim

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)16:57 No.1784868

  Can anyone else not get her to cum?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:01 No.1784875

  >mfw i posted this last week, got over 70+ replies
  >mfw this has potential to go 70+
  >mfw no face

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:02 No.1784876

  >>Can anyone else not get her to cum?

  I thought I had a problem in real life

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:04 No.1784878

  So I won, it isn't as hard as you'd think when you know what you're doing.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:20 No.1784885

  I don't even care about the resistance, I just want her in glasses.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:30 No.1784887

  You can't get the dress off unless the straps are pulled to the sides and her arms are in the
  right place brah

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:42 No.1784898

  somebody please, hack this shit D:

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:47 No.1784905

  They are. Got her legs fully spread, arms up, and straps pulled to the side. The dress starts to
  go up but then just falls back into its default position.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:47 No.1784906

  Be a little more creative gentlemen, this is actually easy.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)17:48 No.1784907


>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)18:17 No.1784923

  Has anyone figured out what Z does after you get the congratulations message?
  On/Off for something, but I can't read moonrunes.
Created: 14/10 -2012 19:04:27 Last modified: 19/10 -2012 00:37:32 Server time: 13/03 -2025 10:19:36