File: Ice Breaker.swf-(3.34 MB, Game)
[_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)03:10 No.1789912
/r/'ing that that flash with the anime girl in the high pitched voice trying to troll.
"anime troll" or some shit...
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)03:14 No.1789916
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)03:18 No.1789919
thaaaank youuuu
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)04:00 No.1789933
I can only hit up to 5 walls
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)04:16 No.1789939
Why must I beat this EVERY time its up!?!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)04:30 No.1789944
I didnt know L dies...
Aside from that, im guessing the last double-wall is unbreakable?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)05:52 No.1789967
i've done it in the second try. its all about finding the rigth spot for your cursor and then
dont move him just click.
when a wall reaches the spot ->click. and your done
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)06:31 No.1789979
If you watched Deathnote to the end and don't know that L died, you sir are a moron.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)07:42 No.1790007
1. this game is not that hard
2. l dies like half way through death note or something
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)11:15 No.1790081
You have to click a tad early for the last wall
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)12:56 No.1790128
anyone gots the audio of this game by itself
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/12(Sun)14:11 No.1790181
that video isn't very good. her face accent and fake studdering is terrible