File: human sacrifice alice.swf-(4.97 MB, Other)
[_] Watch at night time :P 12/06/12(Thu)01:57 No.1824795
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:00 No.1824796
such a happy beat ^^
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:06 No.1824802
Ugh. I'm a pussy.
Dat opening to a blank black screen with a Japanese woman talking.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:08 No.1824804
that story made no sense at all.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:08 No.1824805
It's not a scary anything, it's just a cool song.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:32 No.1824832
i could fap to alice of the clover
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:32 No.1824835
It's Hatsune Miku, of course you could fap
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:35 No.1824840
>thier own world
Ruined it for me
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)02:54 No.1824856
And here I was hoping for something truly disturbing.
Catchy song though.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)03:32 No.1824884
Nobody on Youtube has a decent version of this, it either sounds bad, or has a different
animation. So if you want this exact version, go to www (dot) youtube (dot) com/watch?v=aPQAmk8b3
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)03:34 No.1824888
I can't watch it now or it will keep me up, but I saved it, finally. The only one I could find on
my own was the vocoloid one, and I fucking hate it.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)04:11 No.1824912
Sorry, but I'm not OP, but thanks.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)04:11 No.1824913
As a safety measure after years of experience, /f/ is always browsed with mute engaged.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)06:13 No.1824977
Someone explain the plot to me.
>> [_] Mr. Kidnapper 12/06/12(Thu)06:34 No.1824982
>being unable to find the source
Here's the original animation.
Someone ripped the video from this animation as well as the audio from a version with a better
synthesized voice and combined them.
In short, there is no true sauce. Make it yourself and upload it.
I could do it myself but I'm busy setting up my new laptop.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/12(Thu)07:38 No.1824999
>large knife
>cutting in the woods