File: magic-shop.swf-(5.35 MB, Porn)
[_] Magic Shop Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)01:19 No.1795586
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)03:35 No.1795641
winning combo?
completely forgot
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)03:46 No.1795642
try devil wine and cat tail. I can't even make sense of my own notes on this game.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)05:16 No.1795673
>Start game
>Pick two at random
>"This is what I wanted. Thank you!"
Well fuck. That was awesome.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)06:06 No.1795679
This is making me harder than something like this should.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)09:20 No.1795727
Much like the one posted yesterday, this sort of thing is stupidly entertaining.
I liked the Geico wad of cash with googly eyes.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)09:30 No.1795733
The unfinished classic
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)09:38 No.1795735
cat tail and virgin's tongue
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)09:58 No.1795741
Are there any other games like this?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)10:37 No.1795760
there is one with a magic book, and two characters to trans form a boy and a girl.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)10:47 No.1795763
grounded ivy + bronzite
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)11:07 No.1795769
Bog water + bronzite
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)11:16 No.1795778
Sugar + lizard tail
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)11:17 No.1795779
Poison clover + devil wine is pretty cash.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)11:21 No.1795782
I tried every possible combo.
This game wins the "most fetishes in one flash" award.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)13:05 No.1795840
Anyone have this?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)13:23 No.1795848
>> [_] help NARAZURU 10/29/12(Mon)13:43 No.1795857
how do i unlock the other items
>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)13:48 No.1795861
it was never finished.
Favorite: Bogwater + Sugar...
Shame there's no action, but that face...mmmmm