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Happy New Year!

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This is resource PMA3PHB, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/10 -2012 18:55:23

Ended:18/10 -2012 01:24:22

Checked:18/10 -2012 19:38:25

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: saving_puppies.swf-(7.38 MB, Loop)
[_] [E][S][T] [W][E] [F][O][R][G][E][T] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)11:38 No.1787091


Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anon Ymous 10/17/12(Wed)11:42 No.1787092

  Really now. Play this in "reverse", which is really the original, and you get the real video.
  Which still falls under animal abuse.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)11:44 No.1787093

  is it still summer?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)11:53 No.1787100

  Not gonna use the "N" word, but you haven't been here long, have you...

>> [_] sage sage 10/17/12(Wed)12:00 No.1787105


>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)12:43 No.1787123

  Infinite Giggle <umad.jpg>

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)14:57 No.1787196

  Welcome to /f/ !

>> [_] sage 10/17/12(Wed)15:00 No.1787201

  i'd have sex with her

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)16:29 No.1787255

  It was funny until I realized what was actually happening.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)16:35 No.1787260

  I lol'd

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)16:36 No.1787262

  I gave a good chuckle.
  And btw, don't rage at this, the girl who did this was executed I believe. She lives in Russia or
  some shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)16:39 No.1787264

  >And btw, don't rage at this, the girl who did this was executed I believe. She lives in Russia
  or some shit.

  Backstory please.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)16:44 No.1787268

  i thought it was retarded, then realized it was backwards and didn't feel one way or another.
  Drowning surplus puppies has been around for at least 50 years

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)17:13 No.1787281


  It's old.
  There was an internet manhunt that ensued.
  You know /b/, film a person getting killed, they laugh.
  Film a small animal getting killed/abused, son you are in for it.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)17:20 No.1787287

  Not everyone cares about what /b/ does, you know.

>> [_] Anon Ymous 10/17/12(Wed)17:34 No.1787297

  Been around longer than you two.
  Not new here, kid. Doubt you've ever even browsed the /x section of 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/12(Wed)17:56 No.1787319

  >implying browsing paranormal means anything. enjoy your grifter 2: electric boogaloo, tulpa, and
  3spooky5me shit
Created: 17/10 -2012 18:55:23 Last modified: 18/10 -2012 19:39:16 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:39:51