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Happy New Year!

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This is resource TM1KBVT, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/10 -2012 16:09:26

Ended:30/10 -2012 02:06:48

Checked:5/11 -2012 16:38:59

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: chrysalisdance.swf-(2.48 MB, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)09:36 No.1795734

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)11:37 No.1795788

  I know what is happening...
  I never asked for this.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)11:46 No.1795789


>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)11:46 No.1795790

  >dem eyes on purple one

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)12:29 No.1795808

  I was expecting X-COM

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)12:54 No.1795831

  song sauce

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)12:56 No.1795832

  What's happening


>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)14:33 No.1795891

  Which one is this Crtystal one.
  That pink one? As she seems to be the only one "dancing"

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)14:50 No.1795902

  Bronyism is a religion. You worship those horses, memorize their names, build internet shrines to
  them, identify with them, build your own essence from them, obey what they teach you, and meet
  together with other "fans" to talk about what the latest episode taught you.

  You are devotees in the brony cult, and God says all idolators will be damned. Repent.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)14:53 No.1795905

  Is it wrong that I want to fondle Pinkie Pie?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)14:53 No.1795906

  2/10 Nearly took you seriously there.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)15:19 No.1795924

  Someone post the BooHoo one now.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)15:23 No.1795929

  I literally start to shake with rage whenever I see MLP characters nowadays.

  Oh well, it consoles me to know that the obsession with this cartoon show is literally only
  enabled by the comfortable life afforded by first world amenities, and as soon as these obsessive
  people get caught up in a serious real world affliction (Like Hurricane Sandy) they will snap
  themselves out of their trance of self-afflicted horse-themed debauchery and be forced to apply
  themselves to a world that -- temporarily at least -- has no MLP in it.

  Also, the surge in the popularity of MLP denotes just how fascinating humanity think bestiality
  is as a whole. Factor in furries and you have a serious movement that shows that people will fuck
  whatever they want, whenever they want if you let them.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)15:36 No.1795937

  >Fasten your seatbelts

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)17:58 No.1796023

  you all just don't get the brony fandom do you?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)18:03 No.1796026


>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)18:08 No.1796036

  [spoiler]Anyone willing to upload the actual one? I have it saved somewhere but I can't find it

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)18:29 No.1796043

  someone knows teh song?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)19:23 No.1796079

  It has been done.
  You nigger.
Created: 29/10 -2012 16:09:26 Last modified: 5/11 -2012 16:55:04 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:26:19