File: BulletForTheGuy.swf-(5.6 MB, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)01:59 No.1801129
Remember remember the 5th of november
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)06:48 No.1801251
Gunpowder, treason and plot
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)07:32 No.1801271
i know of no reason
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)07:40 No.1801275
Why gunpower treason
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)07:45 No.1801276
should ever be forgot.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)08:28 No.1801296
song sauce?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)09:17 No.1801319
Fire Head by Epic Score.
Took me forfuckingever to find this out a couple weeks ago, no one ever answered. Drove me nuts.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)09:47 No.1801326
Just look in the flash, it was right fucking there.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)10:54 No.1801354
the issue is most of the idiots who actually ask for information on any of these flashes normally
don't go through the checklist that has been standard for years.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)13:03 No.1801387
That's because not every one abides by that rule of convenience. I'd check every flash by those
means but people don't always put the source under the flash like that. Also, fuck you guys for
being vague assholes. Why not just tell them that they should restore down the window and make it
taller? It makes it so much simpler and they don't have to ask as many questions.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/12(Mon)13:59 No.1801415
fuck pretentious kids.....
this is not /b/.....