File: Starbucks training video (NHDT-452).swf-(6.51 MB, Japanese)
[_] how nippon makes coffee Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)00:14 No.1810335
and why it tastes like shit
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)00:55 No.1810350
i lold
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)01:03 No.1810353
I came when she drank it
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)01:17 No.1810360
I love Japan.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)01:29 No.1810365
♪ The best part of wakin up, is Folgers in your butt! ♫
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)02:07 No.1810375
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)02:43 No.1810385
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)02:54 No.1810388
Every time I see this, I want to do it to someone. Not make them drink it, just make them
terribly uncomfortable and beg me to stop.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)07:41 No.1810484
She seems a bit reluctant to drink that, maybe she doesn't like milk in coffee?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)07:49 No.1810486
posted this the other night. glad its percolating.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)11:29 No.1810543
It's older than you know...
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/12(Sat)11:35 No.1810547
I went nuts when the tap worked