File: bang.swf-(142 KB, Game)
[_] Interesting Professions for Games? Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)22:57 No.1846979
What would be a good job for a game to be based off of? A lot of seemingly boring jobs have made
some fun games (Farmer: Harvest Moon, Lawyer: Phoenix Wright, etc).
Flash mildly related - basically a random job generator.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:07 No.1846989
>You have killed Sol Stevy Petrey II, a 11-year old monk from Charleston, WV.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:09 No.1846990
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:11 No.1846992
>You have killed Brinkley Barnebas Iacovo, a 28-year old wireless operator from West Memphis, AR.
He was a member of United States Fish and Wildlife Service and Western Animal Rights Network. You
did him a favor. He was going to commit suicide when he got home anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:12 No.1846993
Sorry I kept killing
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:13 No.1846994
>You have killed Davidde Izaak Stasyszyn Jr., a 10-year old bargeman from Atlanta, GA. He was a
member of Animal Aid.
Damn ruskie got what he deserved.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:14 No.1846995
I got a 16-year old mercer named Dimitri with a loving wife and two kids.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:15 No.1846996
its not my fault they keep coming at me.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:17 No.1847000
Alright, I've managed to create a solid polygon from the shooter's feet to the edge of the screen
where the bodies spawn. What should I do now?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:19 No.1847001
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:21 No.1847003
I know right, jut figured that out
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:23 No.1847005
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:24 No.1847007
I don't see it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:26 No.1847008
the keys, on your keyboard
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:28 No.1847013
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:29 No.1847014
how do I kill myself?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:31 No.1847019
north of "x key" is S
east of Capslock is A
South of "2 key" is W
West of "F key" is D
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:32 No.1847022
I'm using a mac I still can't see it. It only says on and off.
Please help.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:34 No.1847024
ok here is how you fix your problem sir
1) spread peanut butter on screen
2) throw mac out window
3) kill yourself
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:35 No.1847026
You're just mad because you cannot think differently, like a smart mac user. :)
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:35 No.1847027
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:43 No.1847035
I LOL'd one of them said "You killed (*insert foreign name here*) a 23 year old mobster from blah
blah blah, HAHAHAHA so if I killed enough of them I actually killed one that counted, this game
is fun
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:45 No.1847038
Here is how you kill yourself:
1) Open mouth
2) Put hands in mouth, pull both cheeks away from face, like goatse.
3) Keep pulling until cheeks completely ripped
4) Jam thumbs into eyes as hard you can (don't miss, or else you may stuff your thumbnail!)
5) Rip off penis and staple to head
6) Wait 15 minutes....
7) Done!
This is the most efficient technique I know. If anyone else has any other home remedies for
suicide that are better, please contact me.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:47 No.1847040
>You have killed Mona Corene Gaspard III, a 13-year old exotic dancer from Flagstaff, AZ.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:48 No.1847041
I did it but I'm still alive help, it hurts.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:53 No.1847045
>a 12 year old labourer from Northville, he was a memeber of the chamber of commerce
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:53 No.1847046
Just killed a 13-year old miner. Feels good.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/13(Wed)23:57 No.1847050
>You have killed Lillian Tolson, a 94-year old terminator from Spartanburg, SC.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:03 No.1847056
>You have killed Shem Julius MacDermaid Sr., a 10-year old underwear model from Lawton, OK. He
was a member of Group for the education of animal related issues.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:08 No.1847061
You have just killed eddy tom seligous, a 15 year ol pimp from sometown nj
Oh god wat
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:10 No.1847062
Dr blah blah, 12 year old Vetrenarian...
seems legit
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:15 No.1847067
>You have killed Sir Rog Sidney Centre, a 14-year old postman from Springfield, OH. He will be
succeeded by his children, Rosemaria, Elysha, Isa, Cristina, Elden, Kym, and Kevina. He was a
member of American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities.
He had to be stoped.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:16 No.1847069
>why does /f/ failgreentext on autoupdate
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:18 No.1847071
> 13 year old enginerr
> 14 year old dancer
> 96 year old joggler (?)
> 10 year old stock breeder, loving wife, son
> 92 year old baker
> Cletus, 15 year old mayor
> Why are you doing this? You aren't getting any points. You won't level up if you kill a certain
amount of people. They won't hurt you.
> You have killed Dr. Odelia Hyers, a 48-year old hitman from St. Charles, MO.
10/10, would massacre again
(you can actually highlight all the text and copy it in a word document. Murdered 15 pages worth
of people)
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:22 No.1847077
You have killed Mr. Redford Ulrich Etzell, a 13-year old lineman from Mobile, AL. He will be
succeeded by his children, Merwin, Alister, and Elbertine.
dayum son
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:24 No.1847079
>You have killed Melinde Lenzi, a 30-year old batman from Tulsa, OK. She was a member of
Washington Conservation Guild and Port Militarization Resistance.
nooo batman
also the music from eyecancer futa goes perfectly with this shoot to bang
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:29 No.1847088
>mfw these people deserve to die
Seriously, if they are stupid enough to calmly walk through a street wet with blood and filled
with bodies toward a strange looking man standing on a pile of bullet shells, they are getting
what they deserve.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:30 No.1847091
You have killed Sir Orlando Chaar, a 71-year old prostitute from Detroit, MI. He will be
succeeded by his children, Ginevra, and Belicia.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:32 No.1847094
a 73-year old bailiff swallowed 14 bullets before goin down.
Maybe they are blind :O
..and deaf! >:O
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:32 No.1847097
word of god says "they think it's part of a movie! they want to be famous!"
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:34 No.1847099
You have killed Hyacintha Montreuil, a 27-year old wet nurse from Muskegon, MI. She will be
succeeded by her beautiful husband, Wayland, and her children, Valentina, and Doreen.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:36 No.1847107
> You have killed Durward Magri Sr., a 11-year old coroner from Modesto, CA. He was a member of
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:40 No.1847110
>think differently
>every single mac look the same
Explosions in my head
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/13(Thu)00:47 No.1847127
stopped being fun whren the text got all preachy