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Evangelion Episode 24..swf
2,05 MiB, 01:44 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 15/12 -2011 01:53:40 Ended: 15/12 -2011 11:58:44Flashes: 1 Posts: 22
File[Evangelion Episode 24..swf] - (2.04 MB)
[_] [A] Seele Anon 1587768
>> [_] Anon 1587772 the fuck?
>> [_] Seele Third impact 1587781 #01
>> [_] Gendo 1587786 Needs more Gendo
>> [_] Anon 1587787 >># pimpvangelion
>> [_] seele Anon 1587790 am I not good enough for you?
>> [_] Anon 1587794 Why are the Moon Runss scrambled? I thought FireFox was able to decode the Moon Runes, which it does very well BTW. But, fail's hard here, That and Evangelion sucked Donkey Balls
>> [_] Anon 1587800 >># I use firefox.. don't care.. the context is there.. and Evangelion is my favorite
>> [_] Anon 1587850 >># 1) 'runss' is not a word 2) 'fails' does not have an apostrophy 3) This is a shockwave flash object, how the actual fuck do you expect firefox to read and translate text in a goddamned flash video 4) the majority of those 'moon runes' were not japanese - it was just either random gibberish or a code error, because those were all just random ascii symbols. Shit, half of them were greek.
>> [_] Anon 1587853 evangelion ruined anime.
>> [_] Anon 1587855 They took the music from a mexicam movie or what?
>> [_] Seele Kaworu 1587865 >># I'm not sure... It's better than transcoding a flv of the anime in enligh.. don't you agree?
>> [_] Anon 1587869 I think all anime is written to appeal to the Emo goths in Hispanic nations where they get wet over endless soap opera dialogue. If they didn't, Invader Zim would never exist. [IN before "Randumb" ]
>> [_] PorQue Kaworu 1587870 >># Is that just provocative or are you bored?
>> [_] nerv Misato Katsuragi 1587874 It's an angel attack..
>> [_] Anon 1587881 NGE2 (PS2) - Tabris Battle - Good Outcome
>> [_] Anon 1587882 xw
>> [_] The cake will burn let it be 1587886 嘘の嘘の嘘を嘘うそ
>> [_] Anon 1587889 >># herp de derp yourself
>> [_] Seele Kaworu 1587891 >># Is that what I'd say?
>> [_] Anon 1587897 >># I can smell the ozone..
>> [_] Anon 1588014 Spoilers: Everyone is made of orange juice.
Created: 4/9 -2009 15:27:04 Last modified: 10/4 -2019 07:26:55 Server time: 24/06 -2024 13:46:07