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This is resource EP2L5CJ, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/1873730 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10. Discovered flash files: 1
File: whenshelaughs01.swf-(189 KB, Loop) [_] Post moar relaxing/trippy loops Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)10:00 No.1873730 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)11:08 No.1873758 lovin it >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)11:50 No.1873769 The music is called When She Laughs by Bibio. They did this hipsterish google commercial with one of their other songs. >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)13:09 No.1873813 Is this imagery from a manga? >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)14:16 No.1873868 >>1873813 "A Quiet Country Cafe" Hint: All the humans are dead, old, or infertile. >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)14:19 No.1873871 >>1873868 ._. Oh. >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)14:49 No.1873891 >>1873871 It's actually a pretty good series. It's very mellow and simple but a pretty good read. Check it out sometime. >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)14:52 No.1873896 >>1873891 it is. it's a slice of life manga. http://mangafox.me/manga/yokohama_kaidashi_kikou/v01/c001/10.html >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)14:55 No.1873901 Sorry when I think of vast spanning Russian wheat fields in the steppes I think of... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXE-m_yPH_s >> [_] Anonymous 02/01/13(Fri)15:34 No.1873929 >>1873896 This is perhaps the most emotionally touching apocalypse story. |