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This is resource F3A7B6Z, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/2 -2013 11:55:30

Ended:8/2 -2013 23:06:12

Checked:9/2 -2013 07:53:59

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: the sandy report.swf-(1.32 MB, Other)
[_] This just in. My Butt. Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)05:41 No.1879926

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)06:42 No.1879943

  This is so cute.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)07:55 No.1879966

  I... I don't know why, but I don't hate this.

>> [_] f/k lol 02/08/13(Fri)08:31 No.1879982

  I wanna f/k that voice

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)09:18 No.1879998

  One shitty ball of fuck wrapped in a bitch.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)10:11 No.1880027

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)11:46 No.1880070

  Y'know, I watch shit like this and think she's alright. And then I have to go and remind myself
  that the artist has a pee fetish.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)12:40 No.1880091

  And what is wrong with that?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)12:40 No.1880092

  Just watched some of her other videos, I remember there being more. In one she mentions an
  encylopedia dramatica article, but couldn't find it. Anyone know if it exists?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)12:45 No.1880096

  It's among the worst three fetishes that are legal.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)12:50 No.1880097

  >not subjective.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)12:57 No.1880100

  People have standards, we're raised with them.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)14:58 No.1880153

  please tell me there's porn of this character.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)15:01 No.1880156

  Which are the three?
  Feet, Scat, Urination?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)15:08 No.1880164

  that guys a retard, piss is one of the most vanilla of all fetishes. seriously.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)15:39 No.1880174

  well that was a weird fap

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)16:02 No.1880188


  Judge not lest ye be judged. I bet you got some gross shit you keep under wraps too.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)16:29 No.1880215


  Fear not, comrade. I and many like you support and agree with your opinion.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)16:42 No.1880233

  say nay to urination fetish

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/13(Fri)16:56 No.1880252

  I'd piss in her mouth any day.
Created: 8/2 -2013 11:55:30 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 02:40:19 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:01:30