File: Why.swf-(288 KB, Loop)
[_] Flash Dump Time Euphoria 01/30/13(Wed)23:39 No.1872626
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/13(Wed)23:47 No.1872635
scissor me timbers
>> [_] Anonymous 01/31/13(Thu)01:21 No.1872692
I always wondered what the reference in this was, like the symbols on the armor and tattoos on
the armor, is this is a reference to an anime or game?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/31/13(Thu)01:23 No.1872694
Warhammer 40k
>> [_] Anonymous 01/31/13(Thu)01:29 No.1872700
Why? For the Emperor.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/31/13(Thu)03:47 No.1872796
Anon unfamiliar with wh40k? HERESY!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/31/13(Thu)03:54 No.1872803
Who are the 2 ladies?
I want to rule 34 this stuff.