/ > /fap/ > Thread 1912
Age: 29.23d Health: 0% Posters: 3 Posts: 3 Replies: 2 Files: 1+2
>> DDS 5feb2013(tu)10:57 No.5518 OP P1
Super Deep Throat v1.20.1b
Super Deep Throat v1.20.1b from http://konashion.blogspot.com.es/
[IMG] SDT_1_20_1b.swf (1.51 MiB)
700x600, Compressed. 3 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver11, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
>> Anonymous 6feb2013(we)23:56 No.5534 A P2R1
man, when's the final version of this going to be released i wonder
>> Anonymous 7feb2013(th)05:13 No.5536 B P3R2
Not in our lifetimes.