File: dwarven_complete_v1_a.mod.swf-(1.63 MB, Game)
[_] Step it up Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)16:18 No.1899679
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)16:30 No.1899688
Ca't click items in inv....
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)16:55 No.1899705
Of course. Those are treasures, not meant to be equipped. You can find items that you can combine
into useful tools over the course of the game.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)17:14 No.1899722
Can't figure out where to move on. Need the mining pick or the torch to get further, but don't
know where to find the materials for either.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)17:14 No.1899723
What do?!
>> [_] napoon 02/28/13(Thu)17:28 No.1899740
then how do you combine or use the items then?
>> [_] napoon 02/28/13(Thu)17:29 No.1899743
how do you use the items to combine them?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)17:41 No.1899767
What in the anus is this shit?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)17:51 No.1899783
fucking welp i got about 25 items and got stuck
im fucking done
the book
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)18:16 No.1899819
oh god , remember this game being hard as fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)18:18 No.1899820
what do i do with the 8 block and key in the middle? what is the combination?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)18:19 No.1899822
im so stupid i got it the numbers in the other room is the sequence to which one you have to step
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)18:48 No.1899842
I still dont get it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)18:51 No.1899846
step on the tiles in the same position as the circles indicated by how many there are
(1 circle, then 2 circles, then 3 circles ect.)
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)18:55 No.1899848
I loved this game
Disappointingly easy after beating it 1-2 times
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)19:07 No.1899867
Okay...i cannot move...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)19:12 No.1899870
Watch the shadows on the wall, like Zelda.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)19:15 No.1899873
And this was easy after the first 20 items. The cart and face-building was just annoying.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)19:22 No.1899880
I'm stuck after 20th item. How do I get one next to the black hole?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)19:25 No.1899882
lol ok I got it, you have to place the canon two maps to the right in it's direction and pointed
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)19:56 No.1899906
got up to 34 items, this is a pain in the ass
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)20:00 No.1899908
I did it! Got the true ending too. I'm off to the moon!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/13(Thu)20:05 No.1899915
im stuck on the head house looking thing