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This is resource MCCNL8D, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/3 -2013 21:03:31

Ended:15/3 -2013 03:21:34

Checked:15/3 -2013 06:16:00

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: super-princess.swf-(2.32 MB, Hentai)
[_] Suddenly ANGLES Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)14:36 No.1913906

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)14:41 No.1913910

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)14:45 No.1913915

  man i lol'd when the beat followed the groping

>> [_] Red 03/14/13(Thu)14:46 No.1913917

  One of the only refined and polished MnF games.

  And it's utter fucking shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)15:04 No.1913928

  The first half of the game's music is great.

  But then it went back to that dreadful music that plagues so many of their flashes. It's like
  they are self aware how much they suck at this.

  I can understand paying a small pittance to zone-quality stuff: hell years ago I donated like 20
  bucks to the guy. Still didn't get any of the stuff through official means but donated to him

  But this? I feel like I should be payed to play through these, they're that bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)15:33 No.1913950

  Eh. Sucked.

  ...but still got a boner.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)15:45 No.1913961

  >1 week later...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)16:29 No.1913993

  I need that music (the music in the first half, not that generic gay shite)

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)17:41 No.1914047


>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)18:11 No.1914071

  The setup they have going is fairly interesting, things look and move right for the most part. I
  don't like having to actively interact with anything to raise orgasm meters or whatever.

  But the writing is terrible.

  >>A week later.

  Why did she wait a week to eat the mushroom, only to have it instantly change her body? What's
  the point in that? It's a zillion tiny things like that that drag the end product down into a
  "amateur" quality.

  Zone understands packaging and presentation, that's really the only thing that makes him stand
  out from several other flash porn artists.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)18:22 No.1914087

  And yet, Zone still churns out the same shit in a different wrapper. It just so happens that
  wrapper happens to be prettier than the rest of the "competition".

  I don't praise anyone that can't do something remotely original or step outside the "well, this
  usually works" category.

  MNF and FTF are the worst offenders, but Zone is just as guilty as they are.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)18:39 No.1914109


  made me fart.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)18:41 No.1914113

  >All these parody names to keep Nintendo from Copyright Assaulting the guy who made the flash

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)18:54 No.1914121

  I sadly agree with this.

  Zone does what he does for the money and no other reason. Seriously, why else would anyone
  dedicate their lives to making porn if they weren't banking big bucks because of it?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)19:00 No.1914127

  At least Zone has some comedic sense. This flash has no ending. I thought the point was to try to
  escape the dungeon by seducing Bowser? She's just a fucked out pile of whore on the dungeon floor
  at the end. Does she hang around fucking Bowser from now on or does she bail? Two lines of
  dialogue at the end would've measurably improved this.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)19:08 No.1914133

  Obviously none of you have seen this


>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)19:10 No.1914134

  w h y d i d n t t h e t e c h n o g o t h r o u g h o u t t h e e n t i r e f l a s h?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)19:30 No.1914150

  >Expecting great narratives, pacing, character development and story telling from a porn game
  >From. A. Fucking. Porn. Game.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)19:39 No.1914160

  Dat music

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)20:13 No.1914185


  Now that's an H-Game!!!!!!!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)20:18 No.1914188

  Because nobody cares for techno anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)20:20 No.1914190


  I also lol'd about the "a week later." So it took her a whole week to figure out to eat the

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)20:28 No.1914192

  You know how women are. Eat a little at a time to keep fit. Do you people honestly think she
  would scarf down an entire mushroom as big as her head with a waist that small in one sitting?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)20:28 No.1914193

  is the swf too big to be on /f/? this shit should be reposted every day

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/13(Thu)21:12 No.1914217

  >the amount of time it takes to shake peach's boobs
Created: 14/3 -2013 21:03:31 Last modified: 15/3 -2013 06:16:03 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:07:23