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This is resource PRI6APO, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/1 -2013 08:53:37

Ended:21/1 -2013 18:53:08

Checked:22/1 -2013 01:21:45

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: for a thousand years.swf-(9.87 MB, Other)
[_] Feels f4r !HanakoDlmg 01/21/13(Mon)02:47 No.1863140

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)03:04 No.1863147

  Not the best AMV I've ever seen.

  But still pretty feely.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)03:06 No.1863148

  is this evanescence without the band?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)03:25 No.1863161


  Nah. Christina Perry is the singer. Evanescence lead is Amy Lee.

>> [_] LongEyedGun !5ZpBb.MgBw 01/21/13(Mon)03:27 No.1863164

  The song gives me more feels because the game give me lots of HNNNNGGGG and feels.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)03:57 No.1863193


  That's what I meant. But if you haven't played the game, then it's pretty much just feels from
  the song. Which is why it's a pretty subpar AMV.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)04:05 No.1863198

  Made me cry /10

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)05:11 No.1863253

  I crai errytiem

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)05:18 No.1863258

  Hahahhahahaha no.
  I got more feels from Sengoku Rance.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)06:16 No.1863282

  i'm surprised you can get more than TOTAL CONQUEST from RapeSimulatorTheGame

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)08:57 No.1863324

  I laughed. Out loud.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)08:59 No.1863325

  I just finished Rin's path and have been trying to calm my feels for 2 days. First thing this
  morning, go on /f/, see this. It's going to be feel o'clock all day again.......

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)09:15 No.1863331

  Rin deserves no feels.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)09:40 No.1863339

  what's the song ?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)10:06 No.1863345

  Rin is my waifu. she deserves all of my feels

>> [_] Kandimann 01/21/13(Mon)10:50 No.1863367

  fight the tears, fight the tears
  GODDAMMIT!! Nothing makes me feel more than the death of Zack Fair and this game.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)11:38 No.1863396

  Rin and her path can both burn in hell.

  That path was nothing more than

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)11:50 No.1863404

  i actually liked rin's path. i was pretty deep. and kinda beautifull.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)11:52 No.1863407

  Shouldn't have tried that thousand years tea.

>> [_] anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)12:00 No.1863413

  name of amv please and name of anime also please thx.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)12:07 No.1863418

  not sure if retarded or trolling.

>> [_] anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)12:10 No.1863420

  go to hell Sengoku Rance. is not the anime shown in this amv.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/13(Mon)12:10 No.1863421

  >asking for sauce on a flash that gives it
  Lurk moar

  >using a funny maymay
  Lurk moar
Created: 21/1 -2013 08:53:37 Last modified: 22/1 -2013 01:22:15 Server time: 28/09 -2024 17:26:36