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This is resource PU7UW5V, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/1 -2013 02:32:10

Ended:19/1 -2013 06:59:55

Checked:19/1 -2013 09:28:31

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: V-rage.swf-(7.38 MB, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)20:08 No.1860783

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)20:33 No.1860804

  Except /v/ is a bunch of faggots.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)20:52 No.1860820

  10/10. Would watch again.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)21:12 No.1860828

  very nice

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)21:34 No.1860856

  i still think /k/ is one of the better boards but sadly no one agrees with me

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)21:47 No.1860873

  The story tells a time when , nvm /v/ is a bunch of faggots.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)22:15 No.1860893

  man, this one really is starting to show it's age. when was this made again? 5-6 years ago? Red
  ring jokes, habbo hotel, suckmydick. I've been on this site too long.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)22:20 No.1860901

  Row row fight the moot

>> [_] Leon 01/18/13(Fri)22:21 No.1860902

  xD that was my 1st day on /b/... i got b& for out of board invasion good times. Back when all
  furrys got a train to the face and a "Yiff in hell!" Yep good times.....

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)23:20 No.1860961


  How things change.

  Back then I spammed the fuck out of those threads with warhammer shit.

  But now I regularly contribute scale/shark to sfur threads. Sfur has a problem in an off itself
  of having little conversation and being silent porn dumps that can only be facilitated with the
  help of an avatarfag, and I don't think they even post porn at the gfur threads anymore. It's
  literally nothing but avatarfags. And it's only a matter of time until the sfur threads are
  nothing but avatars.

  We're spamming ourselves in the absence of a real 'enemy', or maybe it's that most fur posters
  now used to be the "Yiff in Hell" types from '06 and '07 and they are just instinctively ruining
  fur threads without even realizing it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/19/13(Sat)00:34 No.1861037

  The video is kind of inspirational, that /v/ fought back against /b/ and their faggotry, only to
  have M00t try and ban them. They fought that too. Pretty cool I must say, but still, /v/ is full
  of pretentious assholes.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/19/13(Sat)00:37 No.1861045


  /b/ - 69 decides what board 2 raid!!!
  >/v/ with X

  /v/ at /q/ - FUCKING HELP
Created: 19/1 -2013 02:32:10 Last modified: 19/1 -2013 09:28:48 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:06:36