File: ageofwarupdate1MzYx.swf-(3.46 MB, Game)
[_] Age of War Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)17:33 No.1895990
Hope this works.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)17:56 No.1896005
too easy. Build turrets, AFK, come back, launch massive wave of strongest unit.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)18:15 No.1896016
Put units on queue.
instant shit-stack of units.
Use special ability.
Pause until the shaking stops.
eveyone dies.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)18:22 No.1896019
You can only queue five or so at a time.
When you pause, the shaking stops immediately.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)18:23 No.1896022
That's because this is the fixed version, and they are posting old glitches.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)18:37 No.1896030
>not posting the old version
The fuck is wrong with you?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)19:23 No.1896082
Did they fix the range for the Ion Rays? Doesn't seem like it can reach all the way to the other
base anymore...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/13(Sun)20:38 No.1896151
LULZ mode: Set difficulty to impossible.
1) Build 1 basic 100 gold rock thrower.
2) Begin building nonstop cavemen.
3) When you start to see dinos, use your special power.
4) Start building rock throwers instead.
5) Never stop building rock throwers.
6) Laugh as you completely overwhelm even future age AI with zillions of rock throwers stacked
all on top of each other.