File: Whisky_Techno.swf-(4.62 MB, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)04:00 No.1860232
>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)05:27 No.1860257
Such an original.
>thanks /f/aggot
>> [_] 100 01/18/13(Fri)05:29 No.1860258
-dillion francis-
>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)10:45 No.1860330
1: that's electro, not techno
2: First poster you need to lurk moar and learn how to fucking greentext.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)11:07 No.1860336
stop being mad you faggot and listen to the techno.