File: alfred'sbigsuprisept2.swf-(8.86 MB, Other)
[_] HEILALFREDALFERFEELS GETREADY 2 FEEL 02/10/13(Sun)02:57 No.1881821
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)03:04 No.1881827
all DOGGS go to HELL ehhehehehe
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)03:06 No.1881832
oh alfer, oh alferd dog. u put the smile in my crotch and the frown in my asshoel
>> [_] alfred that feel 02/10/13(Sun)03:07 No.1881834
i felt
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)03:08 No.1881835
thank u alfed for teh feels i havent felt so hard since 20003
>> [_] feels too many 02/10/13(Sun)03:11 No.1881839
toooooo many feels
>> [_] into the paints 02/10/13(Sun)03:14 No.1881844
too many feels in my pants
>> [_] noggers 02/10/13(Sun)03:16 No.1881847
wow i felt for the 33rd time thans to this fine ferret and his chumly green wotermellon
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)03:17 No.1881850
ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccanned fish fish fish cccccccanned fooots and feet cannnned
hearts nd accccaaannnnned film foostable
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)03:18 No.1881851
if only ihad 21 dollar, id give u 21 dollar. for fineimation such as theses.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)03:22 No.1881855
if i had aborted feti, i would give you 234 feti. thank you for this fien fien ferret and his
watermellon companion.
>> [_] please do not bite my penis off please do not bite my penis off 02/10/13(Sun)03:31 No.1881865
please do not bite my penis off please do not bite my penis offplease do not bite my penis off
please do not bite my penis off
>> [_] he eats, a olotta fod 02/10/13(Sun)03:33 No.1881868
bradd pit ate too much food
>> [_] he ate too much bradd 02/10/13(Sun)03:34 No.1881869
he ate too much fa fa fooooood brodd patt ate otoo much fffffffffffffffffffffeeeeeddd heeheheh
dont feed him hahhhhah heeeee it is confirmed: i do not deserve human love or bradd pit foood
>> [_] mammograms 02/10/13(Sun)03:35 No.1881871
wut is difference between ronald mcdonald and 33 dead babyies
ronald mcdonald is just painted red but dead baby he red cuz of blood heil alfred alfer amen
>> [_] holy bitch slap!!! 02/10/13(Sun)03:37 No.1881873
how many dead baby it take to satiete christian bale?"
>> [_] bite my penis off toshpoint o can suck 02/10/13(Sun)03:37 No.1881874
how many dead baby i take to get toshpointo to shut de fuck up
234 because that s how bighis mouth is hhehehheheheheh
hehhhehehhehe oooooooooooooooooh man u is a funny one, ol girl.
>> [_] it is confirmed: 02/10/13(Sun)03:38 No.1881875
>> [_] I!!! IM TIMOTHY!! I WILL SHOW YOU 02/10/13(Sun)03:39 No.1881877
satturday night wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooo wutta saturday it is!? wooo ;parrrrrtay, the
biggest alone partyay on flash anywhere. Is there anybody else out there? It is just me on this
shitty board. just me, and thesadness.
>> [_] nfirmed: i do not deserve human love nfirmed: i do not deserve human love 02/10/13(Sun)03:40
File: Help i am trapped in computer.swf-(5.94 MB, Loop)
HE WONT LET ME OUT Anonymous 02/02/13(Sat)00:27 No.1874338
tiss officiallly confirmed!! But atleast, it was a fien cartoon. yes it was.
>> [_] Swami go die Dem Ass 02/10/13(Sun)03:55 No.1881893
d-d-d-d--d-d--dd--d-d--d-d-d-dd--d-d-ddem asss
>> [_] wawas can suck my cuntie 02/10/13(Sun)03:58 No.1881897
wut is difference between electrical tape nd dead baby
when i put dead baby on electirical tape, it poos. when i put electircal tape on dead baby, it
dies. heheh heheheh
i surely am the comedian of the land. the land, of sheet. sheetz. it is better than wawa wawa go
fuck urself
>> [_] does not deserve human the wretched tiems of 02/10/13(Sun)04:03 No.1881907
ehhe, hehehe, eh!!!!!!!!!!!!i truly am the poomaster of the wrold. poooo master of world. this is
what i do till the eyes shut. for now and forever more. til alfred movie is compelete. then wild
parties and sex and woo tang poo tang commence. thank glee and god. but for now, i wait. for now
i animait. and wait and type this ish till the eyes colose. oh wh y wont the y close let me rest
from this wretch of an existeance
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)04:04 No.1881908
what the fuck is going on in this thread?
>> [_] donate to my poo world 02/10/13(Sun)04:05 No.1881910
the gointgs on, is that a shitgirl is expressing her shitmind on ur shitboard. shit shit shit.
also, there is a fantastical cartoon for you to watch. that is the main part of worthiness. this,
the girl female part, is worthy of shit . and so that is how it must be, in this thread
>> [_] by emily youcis the wild saturday 02/10/13(Sun)04:10 No.1881922
i must do this tilll the eyes cloes. hoep fully it will be soon, so the next day of animatred may
commence. but oh , it is a joylly cartoon, yu must watch it. so i am writing a book here,
documenting the tiems. for they are shittiems. shittttttteiimss shiiittttteeiimmsss lal i be
getttin in this ol world, is shitttttteiiiiimees shiiiiiiitteiimss nd the yonly get shitter.
one day, the alfed movie will be compelte. then il get a million hoes and a milion bottles of
wine. but till then, it is work and sadness and work adn sadnes and work and sadness allday erry
day. but eys, my frions, one da y it will pay off. wone day it will pay offe.
>> [_] death the wild times n dlife of emily youcis 02/10/13(Sun)04:18 No.1881933
death death death death work and cry and work and cry. work and sad and work and sad. dont leve
house, dont leve house. hehehehhehhhhehehhehehheheheh but the payoff my fronds, the payoff. when
the alfred movie be complete in all its gleaming. all the shiny prettieness from lll my tears nd
blod. but for now it is work and sads and work ands sads. nobody in world for me, never human
again. dont go amongst the humans kids i did it it leaves u with nothing but sads. best for
self-isolation and endless work. for thereliterally, is nothing else to do now hehehe. and yet
they say those tht do nothig but watch tv and do shitjob is sane. AHHA1 the lies.
>> [_] not worth y of humant feels death to i 02/10/13(Sun)04:22 No.1881937
death to the feels and to the humant. 'I have died everyday waiting for you" seems to convey an
incredibly sad emotion compared to the res tof the song, but it's still such a true feeling.
How the heart can seem to disable our entire being...
from a chinese girl xanga
>> [_] /f/lashdance /f/lashback freddie 02/10/13(Sun)04:27 No.1881942
d/f/lashbacks get it /f/lashbakds i got a bunch of /f/slashbacks today it was fun a whiled wride
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again again again again again
>> [_] negroid watermelon negro watermellon 02/10/13(Sun)04:31 No.1881946
hay my names patrcik and ijust wanted to say ur negro watuermellon relally touched my cunt and he
loks like my uncle cunty. thank u for ur negromellon it saved my elife.
>> [_] i hate you u cuntfart. pussyfuck 02/10/13(Sun)04:37 No.1881951
hey, its me, neke again. do u know how muhc u made me angry today with ur shitty carton? u cant
even draw let alone sing, ur dog looks like crap and i dont kow what that black melon thing is
but it looks like the turd i shat this mornig after eating taco bell. have u ever herd of
somethin called art school ? Thought not, look why dont u just take ur dog and go get fat
somewhere. no one lies fatties, therefore u will make more sense. cuz no one ilikes u. or the
dog. u think ur special just cuz u make a dog thing i have a real dog u sick fuck, whut u think i
go roudn sayin im special cuz i have a dog and i fuck it no so go fuck urself and ur dog go eat a
big mac ima go to the pool now and pee in it cay bye laterz peace go fuck urself pussy
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)04:38 No.1881953
>> [_] fo real tho, u changed, whut did uget, fat? Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)04:48 No.1881958
OK EMILy this is Jacob. hey how r u ied like to tell u thatid like to punch u in the face and
eath ur cunt. but thats it. cuz u are sexually unatractive. if i saw ur face in the toilet id
still take a poo in it. i woundt even stick my dick in it, thats how repulsive u r to me. Fo
real, what ahpppend? U used to be cool , rock my jeans, start my world go round but now??
>> [_] its jacob again 02/10/13(Sun)04:48 No.1881960
Look at u . type in away on 4chan in a thread no one is reading but you. Did you get fat or
something? Is that it? IS that why u r suc a moldy peice of shitshit now? Wut do u have
ahoonnybooboo syndrom? In that u are a fat pig that is 2 but is pragnant? If u r pregnatn, ib et
it will look like a weaslel muppet, or even worse, like that ugly negroid watermellon u made talk
o so gayly. You dont fool anyone thats not a boy its you emily u thin k u foolin?? fool me once
same on me full me twice fuck u cunt. u caint full me no more. anyway i just wanted to tel u ur
watermellonlooks like a pile of farts and i thnk u shud kil urself. Thanks Love Jacob (OR jakey
for short, not that ur gona clal me that cuz u rnt my frond). PS i know where ur cunt is it
smells lieke the sardines from last nights pizza haha i can smell it fomr idaho
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)04:50 No.1881962
Just lovely :3
>> [_] >>>>><<<<<<<??????????? umm........>>>>><?????????????? 02/10/13(Sun)04:56 No.1881969
Okay, like, WUT?? u think its olkay to go on this website making fun of dead babies and making
jokes and feeling? Okay my names celly and imconcerned my big brother told me someone was making
fun of dogs and babies well let me tlel u Emily it is NOT cool okay i was a baby once, also i
have a dog, and by ur words, you are directly offending ME thast right, ME. Celly. Werent u a
baby onCCE? and ul be dead too hmmm thoguht so not so funny how huh Anyway like i said, im gonna
tell my work moter on u, hes gonna call 222 and wer gonna send u to the lookney bin with the
looks where u beloONG! instead of terrorizing the /f/ with ur boolshit ur not follin anyone emily
its time for Celly Nd shies Concerend. Subscribe add me on facebook!!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)05:00 No.1881973
Dat Land Before Time that brings back memories.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)05:01 No.1881974
this is BETTER than th e land before time and that gayass little fot and u know it !!!
>> [_] GOOD NIGHT EMILY 02/10/13(Sun)05:03 No.1881975
go to seleep emily seriously your not making anyone laugh, no one gives a shit about ur crazy
ramblings its only you in here and you kow it. so just please, do everyone including urself a
favor and just go the fuck to bed. JJeez.
>> [_] u need meedds perscripted goodlord what have they done 02/10/13(Sun)05:07 No.1881980
words cannot explain.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)05:12 No.1881985
>this thread
>this flash
I weep for /f/.