File: haow 2 linux.swf-(276 KB, Loop)
[_] informative Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)08:49 No.1919520
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)08:58 No.1919529
Forgot to joke about disabling your sound hardware.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)09:07 No.1919539
My sides have transcended all space and time.
>> [_] !!BJiYgff8zf2 03/20/13(Wed)10:27 No.1919585
pretty funny
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)10:34 No.1919588
Jaggedy fonts? What?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)12:19 No.1919625
>implying linux font rendering is worse than windows font rendering
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)12:35 No.1919635
Probably referring to ClearType
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)12:37 No.1919636
But freetype with infinality is so much better
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)13:34 No.1919658
Oh lol op loves sucking off Ballmers fat Cock dosen't he?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)13:46 No.1919662
ohman geez fuk he systum guiz, im nt gun 2 pay theym miacrsuft mullnars anymure lolo leet hxors
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)14:01 No.1919668
Windows registry is just a bunch of folders with files with 1 item per file. Its all spread out
too. You perty much have to know / Google where what you want to change is. Given the distributed
nature of Linux i see no reason all the program settings should be combined.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/13(Wed)14:19 No.1919678
I miss Homestar Runner.