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Happy New Year!

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This is resource V8H5T4K, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/3 -2013 00:11:09

Ended:6/3 -2013 03:57:24

Checked:6/3 -2013 07:25:20

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: bang.swf-(142 KB, Game)
[_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)17:55 No.1904817

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)18:04 No.1904824

  >You have killed Katrinka Carlynne Raiswell Sr., a 11-year old flight attendant from Auburn, ME.
  She will be succeeded by her children, Bailey, Tarzan, and Natale.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)18:11 No.1904828

  >You have killed Dr. Ezechiel Tab Armbruster, a 11-year old flight technician from Fitchburg, MA.
  He was a member of United States Power Squadrons.

  11-year old doctor flight technician.

  I don't want to fly in this world.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)18:12 No.1904830

  >14 year old mayor

  i'm sort of glad i killed him.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)18:16 No.1904837

  >You have killed Miss Matty Hollenbeck II, a 10-year old gunsmith from Gadsden, AL. She will be
  succeeded by her beautiful husband, Rodger.

  Rodger, you sick, beautiful fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)18:24 No.1904839

  >Kill 11-year olds
  >With three children
  >That is one sick, sick world

>> [_] drline 03/05/13(Tue)18:28 No.1904840

  good game make more

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)18:36 No.1904846

  >You have killed Kaile Bill Chattoe, a 94-year old pornographer from Bremerton, WA.


>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:00 No.1904863

  I think I killed thousands of people. They kept coming and coming and coming. I justified it with
  the fact that they were totally out to get me. After accidentally shooting a man, why else would
  they keep coming at me? After the first hundred I became a force of nature reinstating the
  natural selection: perhaps if they were stupid enough walking towards a giant pile of dead bodies
  and a guy shooting at them: they didn't deserve to live. I was simply there protecting myself.
  Then the narrating voice in my head made me angry "Stop doing this!", it said. *bang bang bang*
  "don't tell me what to do!"
  Eventually I got bored and the people just walked past me. I suppose they accepted me as a
  demigod creature with the right to decide who lives and who dies. Shit was awesome.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:01 No.1904868

  >You have killed Felicio Kok, a 45-year old physician assistant from Palm Bay, FL. He was a
  member of International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student
  Organisation and International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:02 No.1904869

  >You have killed Karrie Raphaela Minetola, a 13-year old brain surgeon from Millville, NJ.

  Holy shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:02 No.1904870

  >You have killed Wilburn Brodie Snedeker II, a 12-year old cellist from Springfield, MA. He was a
  member of Libera! and Veterans for Peace.

  child soldier lol

  >Nikki Tony Syres is still dead. There is no respawning in real life.

  that one made me think

  >You have killed Clive Alikhan, a 10-year old master of ceremony from North Chicago, IL.

  master of ceremony

  >You have killed Loria Cori Burleson, a 19-year old butler from Anaheim, CA. She will be
  succeeded by her husband, Elihu. She was a member of Americans for Limited Government.

  >You have killed Mahmud Floch, a 34-year old crammer from Athens-Clarke County, GA. He was a
  member of Code Pink: Women for Peace, Center for Small Government and Emotions Anonymous.

  what's with all these small government groups?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:02 No.1904871

  >Their blood will stain your hands forever.

  >Do you ever get tired of this? Of killing people?

  has anyone killed enough to get something cool to happen?

  >Why are you doing this? You aren't getting any points. You won't level up if you kill a certain
  amount of people. They won't hurt you.


  >You have killed Jason Sziladi Sr., a 37-year old medical transcriptionist from Alexandria, LA.
  He will be succeeded by his loving wife, Kirsti. He was a member of Chamber of Commerce. You did
  him a favor. He was going to commit suicide when he got home anyway.

  kind of a mixed message?

  I think I could do this for an hour or more

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:05 No.1904873

  >You have killed Emil Stanly Popa III, a 11-year old prostitute from Beloit, WI. He was a member
  of Collegiate Veterans Association.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:08 No.1904879

  >has anyone killed enough to get something cool to happen?

  >>1904863 here.
  I killed thousands. I painted the road black. The flash player was having hard time rendering all
  that dead meat. Nothing happened. It goes on forever or until you manage to crash the whole flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:15 No.1904890

  I wasn't sure that was serious

  anyone know where this originated? is it serious? I kept hoping something cool would happen

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:19 No.1904894

  After killing a great number of random people, I decided to change how I played the game. I
  didn't kill them; I wasn't feeling generous. See, if I was wanted to, I could have saved them
  from their pointless existence, freeing them from the life of a sprite in a flash game, forever
  walking towards a nonexistent city.

  No, I decided to let them live, let them walk forever, and show how truly insignificant they were
  to me, that I wouldn't even let them fulfill the purpose they served. Of course, I always
  remembered to shoot one bullet into teach of them. That scar, inflicted upon their bodies, will
  forever remind them that I and I alone chose whether they lived or died, but decided that they
  weren't even worth the effort of finishing the job.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:47 No.1904924

  >you killed XXX he will be succeeded by his wife Annabelle
  15 minutes later:
  >you killed Annabelle.

  okay, all I wanted was the closure

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:53 No.1904934

  is this the result of xkcd?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)19:58 No.1904941

  >You have killed Miss Zorina Thomasin Conway, a 16-year old sniper from Hemet, CA. She was a
  member of Cocaine Anonymous.

  Morally Right!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)20:21 No.1904966

  I read this in GLaDOS voice

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)20:22 No.1904970

  hold R and click as fast as you can for minigun

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)20:32 No.1904977

  >You have killed Enrico Anders Disher, a 13-year old sanitation worker from Modesto, CA. He will
  be succeeded by his beautiful wife, Austin.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)20:35 No.1904982

  this is almost as entertaining as making abominations in UTG

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)20:40 No.1904983

  How does a 10 year old girl have a husband, a job, and tree children?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)20:40 No.1904984

  Hey OP, thanks for reposting my game! Feels good man!
  Thanks! I already made a semi-sequel to this: Shitty Fucking Art Game. Googling it would work.
  I just grabbed random lists I found online for everything; names, occupations, and groups. I have
  no idea where I found them.
  Nothing cool ever happens.
  It was originally supposed to be a satire of shitty art games trying to be deep by posing the
  pseudointellectual question of "what happens to all the vidya people you kill?" but once the
  random generators started churning out 13 year old brain surgeons and shit, I decided it was
  better off that way.
  I made this almost a year before the xkcd comic came out.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)21:01 No.1905004

  You have killed Faun Elly Snapper Jr., a 42-year old executioner from Decatur , AL. She was a
  member of Paralyzed Veterans of America, National Coordinating Committee to End the War in
  Vietnam, Consumers Union and Survivors of Incest Anonymous.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)21:16 No.1905017

  Oh god hahah

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)21:19 No.1905021

  >You have killed Madam Revkah Yaung, a 10-year old matador from Milwaukee, WI.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)21:25 No.1905025

  >You have killed Desiri Kyzer Sr., a 11-year old philologist from Lafayette, IN. She will be
  succeeded by her caring husband, Domenico. She was a member of Society of the Cincinnati.

  all of my wat

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)21:37 No.1905043

  You have killed Sir Hagen Raney, a 42-year old court jester from Lorain, OH. He was a member of
  Fraser Institute.

  Wasn't even funny.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/05/13(Tue)21:37 No.1905044

  >You have killed Silvain Pooh Chung Jr., a 16-year old shepherd from New York, NY. He will be
  succeeded by his loving wife, Sena. He was a member of Knights of Pythias.

  He seems like he used to be an interesting peron.
Created: 6/3 -2013 00:11:09 Last modified: 6/3 -2013 07:25:21 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:39:17