/ > /fap/ > Thread 1887
Age: 31.8d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 6 Replies: 4 Files: 1+2
>> That Guy with the thing 29jan2013(tu)23:37 No.5463 OP P1
Mrs Doe Blackjack
Game from 3dgspot
[IMG] Mrs Doe and Blackjack.swf (17.75 MiB)
800x550, Compressed. 1 frame, 12 fps (00:00).
Ver10, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
>> Anonymous 30jan2013(we)15:59 No.5469 A P2
this is dogshit
>> Anonymous 30jan2013(we)16:26 No.5470 B P3R1
Seriously, I can't get more than 3 wins ahead. I decompiled the flash and a dude fucks her at the
end (movie) but no sound or cumshot I think. How do you make gallery flashes anyway? I've got
Sothink's SWF Decompiler, is that the main thing?
>> Anonymous 30jan2013(we)19:47 No.5471 C P4R2
You can cheat by winning a hand once and then simply clicking stand over and over on the win screen
instead of clicking deal to get a new hand. There are other blackjack games as well by the same
site with different characters but no one has posted them yet and the cheat may work on those as
>> Anonymous 5feb2013(tu)20:43 No.5522 D P5R3
The "split" button works regardless of if you can actually split, so you can use that to win fairly
>> Anonymous 6feb2013(we)00:34 No.5523 E P6R4
They fixed the bug by the third game with the leopard.