File: what_the_fuck.swf-(1.11 MB, Other)
[_] What the christ? Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)22:08 No.1881589
I have no idea what is going on here.
the two shapes at the bottom are sliders. one of them controls the speed of the music. the bald
head slider... seems to control the speed of rotation of the bald head slider.
you can click on the girl and her head wobbles. click and drag and her body wobbles from side to
side. press tab and her head flies up and she says "wheee".
>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)22:24 No.1881602
Why would someone do this to Madoka?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)22:28 No.1881607
>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)22:40 No.1881615
Spacebar = Mami rockets, click and they divide
This shit is genius in it's own right.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)23:05 No.1881637
God's symphony
>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)23:05 No.1881641
Tab and madoka's head jumps.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)23:54 No.1881678
Space launches Mami rockets which divide when moused over
Tab makes Madoka's head jump
Sliding Kyubey changes song speed
You can also turn Madoka's head, drag her body for an elastic effect, and slide the other head,
but none have any additional effects
I think that's everything
>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/13(Sat)23:57 No.1881679
Correction, you cannot drag Madoka's body, she will move on toggle when you click her,
more/faster or less/slower depending on where the bottom head is
>> [_] Sound track Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)00:02 No.1881686
It sounded to me like part's of Excel Saga's opening theme song though I don't speak gibberish
very well or any atonal tounge for that matter. Brilliant!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)00:16 No.1881696
Clicking the bit in the middle makes Kyubey's face appear.
Either way, this is pretty awesome. Whatever it is.
It's weird, but it was obviously made to be weird. Which can be good if done well...This is
pretty fucking weird.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)00:17 No.1881697
not sure why, but incredibly doped looking Madoka is adorable
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/13(Sun)00:42 No.1881716
The music is unsettling but not spooky. This flash is truly the epitome of "what the fuck".