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Happy New Year!

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This is resource YXOKR17, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/2 -2013 09:02:10

Ended:5/2 -2013 20:29:06

Checked:6/2 -2013 08:39:09

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: HUE.swf-(382 KB, Loop)
[_] Ponies or some shit Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)00:47 No.1877148

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)01:09 No.1877162


>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)01:10 No.1877167

  OP, are you irrationally mad at bronies again?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)01:15 No.1877175

  Why are people so mad at bronies?

  If anything, I feel sorry for them. I can't imagine how awful your childhood must have been in
  order to result in becoming obsessed with a children's show about ponies as an adult...

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)01:27 No.1877189

  The song is a song.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)01:29 No.1877191

  Song is Avast Your Ass, forgot the artist

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)01:29 No.1877192

  maybe you should fucking google it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)01:33 No.1877194

  It's a fucking chiptune you pretentious asshat. How the fuck do you Google that, "dooo de do de

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)02:35 No.1877241

  While I am dissapointed in you not knowing it,
  >not being in the YTPMV section of Youtube all day erryday
  I agree with you.
  Source should always be in the flash itself, either by right-click, or by resizing.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)02:45 No.1877248

  Song is Avast Your Ass by Kitsune^2
  >mfw I can play this song on the piano
  >mfw I have no face

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)04:14 No.1877293

  i dont want to be a pony anymore.. that shit is whacked

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)04:16 No.1877294

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)04:16 No.1877295

  In all honesty, there are way worse animes out there.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)05:47 No.1877330

  makes sence all bronies are secretly gay or the closest thing case closed

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)05:49 No.1877332

  0/10 welcome to 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)05:51 No.1877333


  not much has changed in the last decade

  the very least culture should improve, try harder everyone

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)07:23 No.1877346

  i feel ashamed for knowing this but it's Kitsune^2

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)09:44 No.1877388

  >There is stuff that's worse

  Wow dude. Solid point.
  Never would of guessed that something could have stuff that is worse than it.

  /r/ing a batch of the images in the flash

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)12:19 No.1877445


>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)13:06 No.1877470

  Every single piece of shit out there has a pony version made of it. But that's okay, who cares
  about what bronies do and share amongst themselves?

  But then, they come on /b/ or /v/ and avatarfag with a pony. Then, they post their shitty pony
  flashes like "Oppa Pony Style" or the pony 10r on /f/ and /r/ing more ponyshit, all the while
  using trademarked brony language such as "clop" and "everypony"

  I can't hate people for liking the show, or even for masturbating to pony r34, but those above?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/13(Tue)13:35 No.1877489

  Yes. This.
Created: 5/2 -2013 09:02:10 Last modified: 6/2 -2013 08:39:20 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:51:37