File: human_sacrifice_alice.swf-(4.97 MB, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)23:10 No.1961572
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)23:16 No.1961580
So what is this from again?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)23:26 No.1961594
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/13(Fri)01:16 No.1961715
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/13(Fri)02:36 No.1961793
The spade Alice wanted to be a warrior for the queen. She got her wish to be a strong warrior but
she went insane and fought everyone that entered her domain.
The Diamond Alice wanted to be loved. He wanted everyone to love him, the only problem was in the
end he was truly alone and only singing a song for himself. He killed himself, but got his wish
of being loved by "all".
The Clover Alice wanted to be Queen, she got her wish but ended up being the queen of a world of
insanity driving herself insane as well. She gets to keep her rule of the damned, but at a price
of her own will.
The Heart Alices are possibly the most interesting, wanted to be together in this world.
Inseparable. The only problem with this is when they crossed into the Spade Alice's realm one got
cut down and the other has to live with the other's corpse carrying it around wherever he goes.
The girl is now a ball and chain, but at least they can stay together!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/13(Fri)05:51 No.1961918
ummm no... people keep thinking the song was made for the creepypasta but no
the ceepypasta was actually made after the song get yer facts straight the song isnt "from"