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This is resource CND8992, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/4 -2013 22:51:16

Ended:5/4 -2013 04:57:40

Checked:5/4 -2013 07:49:27

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 30.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: mlp.swf-(1.44 MB, Anime)
[_] Dear /mlp/, Fuck You. The World Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:44 No.1934359

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:49 No.1934361

  best one today

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:50 No.1934362

  Fuck what was the original of this?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:51 No.1934364

  Oh fuck this is so fitting for the beginning of the whole pony shit.
  I love this "YOOOOOOO!" but his voice is kind of too annoying at the end.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:53 No.1934365

  Boku no Pico.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:53 No.1934366

  >being this new

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:55 No.1934367

  Heh found it just a second ago actually. I thought this sounded familiar.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:57 No.1934371

  lol so many h8ers. if u dont liek teh show, more horses for us to fuck!

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:59 No.1934373

  That's not the original, you idiot. This is:
  Or rather, the audio is.

  >Calls someone new
  >Is the newest faggot on cybernets

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)15:59 No.1934374

  I more hate the fans than the show.
  It's stupid for anyone to really say they hate the show to the point of madness.
  I don't like the show, but I see no problem with anyone watching it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:00 No.1934376

  >trying this hard

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:01 No.1934379

  Yeah guess what, that was the joke
  >inb4 >I was just pretending to be retarded

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:02 No.1934381

  >calling someone new

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:05 No.1934383

  I noticed it, then deleted it, because I ain't new nuqqa.
  >Unlike a certain someone.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:13 No.1934389


  >giving a shit about people pretending to be "cultured" about internet history

  come on, guys

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:20 No.1934393

  >giving a shit about people gibving a shit
  seriously you guys....

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:24 No.1934400

  That made my day.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)16:37 No.1934407

  Aaaaaaannd that just about sums up why I'm a ponyfag

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)17:30 No.1934437

  you're a ponyfag because you're a 8 year old girl in a mans body.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)17:41 No.1934444

  oh god, one more

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)17:42 No.1934445

  Oh god!
  At last I truly see!

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)17:44 No.1934446

  OP and everyone who agrees with him sucks baby dick and are autistic bastards.

>> [_] anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)18:45 No.1934491

  best one so far made me lol alot

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)18:52 No.1934499

  >having /co/ friends
  You're already a fag

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)19:00 No.1934507

  My experience with mlp:

  Everyone was talking about it on 4chan, so I watched the first 3 episodes. I though it was a
  decent quality kids show, but nothing special. I was confused as to what the big deal was, so I
  watched about 4 or 5 more episodes into the first season. Nothing changed. So I stopped watching
  it, ignored the people I saw on 4chan talking about it, was mildly entertained by the shitstorms
  it seemed to kick up, but mostly just continued to ignore it. And it became easier to ignore once
  they got their own board. I still don't see what the big deal is.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)19:16 No.1934521

  Every day, whenever I visit /f/, there is a mlp related flash, and every flash has over 20
  comments and every fucking time it's the same shit happening.

  Don't you realise it is you who make a big deal about this with your arguing? Just stop with this
  bullshit. Stop talking about it. Ignore it and it will slowly fades away. NExt time when some mlp
  related flash oiccurs let it fall to the pit of /f/ with making no comments or at least using
  sage if you really have to make an appointment, but that will only trigger reactions of others to
  your comment which will bump this flash on top if they don't use sage.

  It's really not that hard.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)19:32 No.1934535

  But that means that I /am/ the little girl. Clearly this makes me superior.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)19:36 No.1934537

  Its okay, OP. We'll still love and tolerate the heck out of you.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)20:02 No.1934549


>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/13(Thu)20:25 No.1934567

Created: 4/4 -2013 22:51:16 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 02:45:52 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:36:54