File: 4chan-sleep.swf-(868 KB, Other)
[_] 4chan-sleep Anonymous 05/26/13(Sun)20:43 No.1984222
>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/13(Sun)20:46 No.1984230
I kind of liked this song from Fable 2
>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/13(Sun)21:09 No.1984267
This is from the first Fable game and is called "Interlude". It was reused in the sequel but I'm
not sure if it's exactly the same.
Loved the first Fable. Never played the second one, on account that I didn't get a 360.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/13(Sun)21:18 No.1984290
first was the best one
>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/13(Sun)22:15 No.1984342
B-but this isn't partying hard at all...