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This is resource ET1Y7AK, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/6 -2013 16:42:26

Ended:5/6 -2013 20:07:01

Checked:6/6 -2013 07:19:41

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: what if zelda was a girl.swf-(6.76 MB, Porn)
[_] What if Zelda was a girl Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)09:39 No.1994088

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)09:42 No.1994091

  You mean Link?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)09:47 No.1994095

  Man, that sucked. I want my minute back.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:11 No.1994110

  Link = Man
  Zelda = Girl

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:12 No.1994111

  But this Zelda is a girl. That's the fun part, dude.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:16 No.1994114

  I think you 2 are a good example for representing the leftmost area of an intellect spectrum not
  including people with mental illnesses.

>> [_] anonymous anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:42 No.1994129

  you just failed the test do you´re research

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:42 No.1994131


>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:43 No.1994132


>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:52 No.1994135

  Why is everyone in the audience applauding?
  This is lame as shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:55 No.1994137

  They've never seen that much girlflesh before.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)10:58 No.1994138

  That is... really sad.

  And that's coming from a basement-dwelling turbonerd engineer.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)11:01 No.1994140

  This same girl does a similar act, dressed as different characters, at a lot of conventions.
  She's never been good at dancing, and her body is pretty unimpressive, but those geeks are pretty
  far gone. I'd be surprised if nobody was wanking it in the audience.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)11:28 No.1994159

  >what is zelda was a girl.swf

  Well... she is, but assuming they meant Link, childhoods would be raped, including a small
  portion of my own. Its not like most regulars here in /f/ haven't been mind fucked at one time or
  another, especially with Zone

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)11:31 No.1994165

  What the fuck are you on about?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)11:49 No.1994183

  who the fuck is link?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)11:50 No.1994185


  I feel like if you were really more of a regular on 4chan you would be more familiar with memes

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)11:55 No.1994188


>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)12:19 No.1994213

  Hey, now. I've got mental illnesses, and I still know the difference. Don't lump me in with those

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)12:22 No.1994217

  You never had a childhood, if you don't know who Link is.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)12:37 No.1994236

  >Well... she is, but assuming they meant Link, childhoods would be raped, including a small
  portion of my own.

  >What if Zelda was a girl

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)12:43 No.1994240

  this trolling works better on /b/

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)12:45 No.1994242

  You responded, so apparently not.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)12:51 No.1994253

  >using "lol u respnded fgt" as argument

  haha what a faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/13(Wed)12:52 No.1994255

  Madder by the minute :)
Created: 5/6 -2013 16:42:26 Last modified: 6/6 -2013 07:21:37 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:08:13