File: what_the_fuck.swf-(1.11 MB, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 04/07/13(Sun)17:56 No.1937169
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/13(Sun)19:02 No.1937225
god dammit /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/13(Sun)19:08 No.1937232
>hold space bar
>crash flash
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/13(Sun)19:24 No.1937246
click her head to start it rocking, drag body to sway
K controls song speed, head controls body resistance
Tab makes head jump
Space shoots head rockets that divide when moused over
It's been a while, but I think that's everything
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/13(Sun)19:50 No.1937268
you forgot clicking the center of the galaxy makes eyes pop up
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/13(Sun)21:15 No.1937349
which also makes her sway from the hips instead from the shoulders