File: LsdDMT.swf-(3.31 MB, Porn)
[_] i never.............. Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)17:28 No.1971540
>> [_] noko 05/12/13(Sun)17:49 No.1971551
That was beautiful
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)17:57 No.1971557
pretty cool
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)17:58 No.1971559
They should have this has a anit drug PSA
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)18:00 No.1971560
Set and setting, boys and grills.
This guy needed a tripsitter, but don't do psychedelics if your head's already in a bad place.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)18:22 No.1971577
Grows more terrible everytime its posted.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)18:24 No.1971579
I'm pretty sure this guy took PCP, not LSD.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)18:44 No.1971592
Just wait until things pick up if they're down. It's well worth it.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)18:44 No.1971595
Some of this stuff is scarily accurate to how I felt when I took waaay to much LSD. Thankfully I
had a sitter that kept me from hurting myself after a point.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)18:47 No.1971599
Every trip i've had was beautiful and infinitely fascinating. Even when we watched Dark City.