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This is resource JU0L9ZX, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/3 -2013 05:41:36

Ended:29/3 -2013 12:36:20

Checked:29/3 -2013 19:12:59

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Penguin Slide.swf-(4.36 MB, Other)
[_] Jail MGO 03/28/13(Thu)23:05 No.1927833

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/28/13(Thu)23:35 No.1927873

  I work security at target. Don't do this; we have the authority to hold minors until the cops
  show up.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/28/13(Thu)23:44 No.1927878

  How the fuck is this even illegal?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/28/13(Thu)23:54 No.1927889

  You could be charged with disorderly conduct.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/28/13(Thu)23:58 No.1927897

  And how about non-minors, faggot?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)01:30 No.1927965

  You work security at Target, huh?
  : |

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)01:40 No.1927969

  Music of anyone wants it

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)01:43 No.1927970

  Actually arrested for disorderly conduct, dumbass.

>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 03/29/13(Fri)02:33 No.1927996

  what sort of 'authority' are we talking here? Physicly holding them there?
  If they decide they want to leave, can you restrain them?
  Seems to me the worst you can do is ban them. only if they're actually doing damage to the store
  or people can you physicly do something to them.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)03:03 No.1928020

  no employee is allowed to physically do damage to anyone

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)03:25 No.1928027

  Security can't and won't do shit

  In other news: projectile planking, do your kids do it? Find out at ten.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)03:55 No.1928037

  Almost makes me want to find slippery clothes (grippy shoes) and a shiny floor.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)04:05 No.1928040

  What in the fuck is this gay shit?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)04:46 No.1928056

  This is gay, but also, fuck security. You faggots are gay as fuck. Who cares if a few people want
  to slide around like penguins. Get a real job, you piece of shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/13(Fri)05:30 No.1928065

  >Sir, our angst detectors are off the charts!
  I don't get this shit. I didn't do stupid shit like this growing up. I didn't and still don't
  understand all the fuck the popo angst.
Created: 29/3 -2013 05:41:36 Last modified: 29/3 -2013 19:32:53 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:20:16