File: A_TROLL!.swf-(7.01 MB, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)14:27 No.1961022
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:06 No.1961055
A TROLL!!!!!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:07 No.1961058
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:21 No.1961075
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:25 No.1961080
Alright fine.
I've been putting this off since AMV Hell 3 was new, but I give up.
What's this anime called?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:26 No.1961084
Cromartie High School. English is surprisingly the better version
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:27 No.1961085
Cromartie High
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:32 No.1961089
Thanks guys
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)17:09 No.1961180
maybe that's why it stopped being funny really quickly. would it be as funny switching to the dub
after having seen it already? Cause it started off great
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)17:49 No.1961238
but but wakamoto