File: cattrap.swf-(11 KB, Game)
[_] That damn cat Anonymous 03/22/13(Fri)23:40 No.1922035
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/13(Fri)23:53 No.1922044
you can't win this shit. fuck this game.
you tripple nigger
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/13(Fri)23:55 No.1922047
Got it once, my life is complete
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)00:02 No.1922053
super easy. start on the sides and basically place a green every other spot and when it gets
close to an opening you close it place one way down the line and rinse and repeat. easy
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)00:05 No.1922056
2nd try. easy shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)00:07 No.1922059
you guys serious? its pretty easy, just takes a few tries
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)00:17 No.1922070
Got it on my second try
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)00:23 No.1922078
In order to trap a fast opponent, offer him a false exit then lock the door behind him when he
tries to take it.
Basically, lead the cat toward a small hole then close off that hole when he gets to it. You will
have gained a few moves on him and should be able to trap the cat.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)01:07 No.1922099
all you got do is trap the cAt~C
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)01:23 No.1922113
Challenging at first, now I trap the cat every try. There's a metaphor here.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)01:24 No.1922115
First try
It helps when you don't suck at life
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)01:25 No.1922117
There's a certain shape that's just as good as a solid wall:
You can wait until the cat reaches the space marked 1 before stopping it with a block at 2. If
the cat is far enough away, you can build wall sections that are two or more "knight-jumps"
apart, and fill them in as the cat approaches.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)01:29 No.1922121
I beat it once now I can't stop.
It's really quite easy with the right setup and >>1922078 's advice.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)01:56 No.1922130
6 times motherfuckers. I've gotten that cat 6 times!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)02:24 No.1922142
There are a random number of dots filled in before the game starts, the least I've seen (and won)
is 4.
Depending on where those dots are, it can up the difficulty quite a bit. I wonder if 0 is
possible to win at all.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)04:18 No.1922205
bull shit
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)04:31 No.1922218
I'd say I win around ~1/2 to ~1/3 of the games I play of this... (Though certain configurations
of the preplaced dots are WAY easier than others.)
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)04:41 No.1922228
After my 10th caught, I'm bored.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/13(Sat)05:14 No.1922235
second time win
>> [_] PurpleCommando 03/23/13(Sat)05:43 No.1922250
I did that every time to torture that piece of shit.