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Happy New Year!

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This is resource SIKGGBA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/4 -2013 22:44:28

Ended:20/4 -2013 02:33:48

Checked:20/4 -2013 07:11:46

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Loli.swf-(3.76 MB, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)15:40 No.1948265

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)15:42 No.1948266

  "go fuck yourself"

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)15:47 No.1948272

  "Hah! Now we're not virgins anymore!"

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)15:52 No.1948275


>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)16:47 No.1948319

  That was... to be honest, amazing.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)17:12 No.1948336

  i've seen something new today

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)18:07 No.1948377

  I am impressed.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)18:35 No.1948405

  It was impressive

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)19:01 No.1948422

  Considering his length and flexibility, he must have broken the longitudinal cartilage in his
  penis to pull off a stunt like that. I once met a guy who slowly used heavy weights to do it to
  his junk, which was (at the time) over two feet long.

  The process is not unlike gauge-type earrings, in that you may think it's an awesome idea, but
  then you'll regret it for the rest of your life. He can fuck himself, sure, but he's now
  completely unable to get a hard-on so he's unlikely to be fucking anyone else.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)19:02 No.1948424

  >two feet long
  I hope you're trolling.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)19:04 No.1948426

  >Two foot boner
  >Not dying of blood-loss
  Confirmed for false.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/13(Fri)19:12 No.1948430

  Wasn't a boner. Just a two-foot-long tube of skin at that point, held taut by some weights,
  looked like 2-3 pounds worth to me.

  This was at the Folsom Street Fair, btw. Google it if you're ever in San Francisco in September.
  It's an annual thing put on by a drag queen convent, which themselves are interesting people.

  When I saw the guy, it was from behind, so all I saw at first was his assless chaps, and a
  half-circle of admiring people facing him. Then he turned around.

  I couldn't resist, I had to know. I walked up and asked him:

  "Doesn't that hurt?"
  "It doesn't HAVE to..."
Created: 19/4 -2013 22:44:28 Last modified: 20/4 -2013 07:11:48 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:00:35