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[_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)04:26 No.1951164
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)04:44 No.1951168
You do realize that as little as 7 people or less is actually going to consider taking interests
in your little cult right?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)04:49 No.1951171
Science is communism, and science is religion.
I agree with you, zeitgeist is a cult.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)04:59 No.1951178
Yet the people who are truly part of it don't want anyone to think of zeitgeist movement as a
cult so why do you insist on presenting it as such?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:03 No.1951183
That doesn't make any sense.
if zeitgeist is a cult, it is a cult, if zeitgeist is not a cult, it is not a cult.
My actions cannot make the zeitgeist movement into a cult if it's not.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:04 No.1951184
Seven?! I'm sure zitgeist-chan would continue on his noble quest in the face of adversity if only
one person were enlightened!
Ganbatte, zitgeist-chan!
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)05:09 No.1951188
I wrote this up for the stuff earlier today but it lapsed before I could post it.
>His personal profile
>His page with some of his work, 2.9K photos last time I checked
>Zeitshit group he's a part of
>Gets some help from this guy, also he's an admin in the facebook group.
Other tidbits I've picked up: No job. Uses Telstra wireless. Others in the group refer to each
other as "Geisters". Prints all his posters at a job center. IP address on November 16th and 20th
2012 was, traces back to internode ADSL ( in Adelaide) at the moment.
Fairly sure he's in Adelaide as he puts up a shit-ton of posters at the university there, but
there's a chance he might be in Melbourne.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:11 No.1951190
>some deluded australian aspie in a cult
How does this not surprise me
Get your shit together, Australia
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:12 No.1951191
Where's your point?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:13 No.1951192
Now go the fuck away you aussie aspie, no one cares about your cult
Try some mental illness forums, I bet some people will find it interesting
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:14 No.1951194
ad hominem fallacy
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:15 No.1951195
Still, ad hominem fallacies.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)05:15 No.1951196
Give me your real name and address you faggot, I'll give you a point.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:16 No.1951197
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:16 No.1951198
What? Your "flash" is nothing that is contributive to the website but appealing to those with
mental illnesses, despite the fact that yourself have a mental illness, by posting this here
numerous times, over a long period of time, trying to appeal to teens and young adults.
Have YOU checked your mental status?
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)05:18 No.1951199
You say that like you're not an asshole.
>protip, you are
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:19 No.1951200
>My actions cannot make the zeitgeist movement into a cult if it's not.
But your actions can make it appear as a cult even if it's not. By constantly pushing your ideals
on people instead of letting them discover it for themselves, you make it appear as if the
movement is desperately looking for followers as if it's not satisfied with the one it already
has, and truth be told, your actions only serves as to antagonize your cause and thus pushes away
any potential followers.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:20 No.1951201
Don't worry about things that don't concern you. This was not intended for you.
>> [_] Jesus Zeitgeist Christ 04/22/13(Mon)05:20 No.1951202
LOL, you got that IP from 4chan vs. Zeitgeist.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:21 No.1951203
ad hominem fallacy
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:24 No.1951204
Still, ad hominem fallacy.
As I mentioned in the thread on /q/ sometime ago:
If market advocates hate people who are anti-trade as in they advocate open source, then they are
going to hate the zeitgeist movement, sooner or later.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)05:24 No.1951205
Yep. You were stupid enough to give it out for some reason.
>b-but I don't have that one any more
Nope. Nothing stopping me from forging some law enforcement CP bullshit and getting more info
about it, though.
Prove me wrong then.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:26 No.1951206
thx m8, ur doing god's work
Tbh though I think most people see through his bullshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:26 No.1951207
This single flash contains more worth than all of 4chan. Learn what a cult is, you fucking
retards. This is not a cult, and there's nothing inherently wrong with this. It's important,
though, to the progress of the human race, that concentrations camps be built to exterminate all
the people that come to 4chan.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:27 No.1951208
FYI, aussie unis have a lot of fringe movements that no one really gives two shits about.
Like at mine there's a communist party club that always hands out fliers, but mostly get avoided.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:27 No.1951209
It's a little silly to call it an ad hominem, since we're not debating. We're not trying to prove
anything logically, we're just desperately trying to get rid of an unwanted pest, using any
technique that has a chance of working.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:28 No.1951210
Shush, aspie.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:28 No.1951211
>As I mentioned in the thread on /q/ sometime ago:
>If market advocates hate people who are anti-trade as in they advocate open source, then they
are going to hate the zeitgeist movement, sooner or later.
Then you should try your best to avoid a lot of that hate by "NOT" overwhelming the market
advocates with your ideals
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:30 No.1951212
I posted that IP when my computer was turned off and I didn't have a internet connection at home.
So... hmmm... your move?
Prove you wrong about what? I was pointing out your ad hominem fallacies:
Appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason).
hmmm zeitgeist doesn't plan to build concentration camps...
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:31 No.1951214
..have you thought that one through?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:34 No.1951215
ad hominem fallacy
ad hominem fallacy
Why would I be sensitive towards market or trade advocates if I believe they're liars?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:37 No.1951217
TBH I think everyone sees through his bullshit. I'm not afraid of innocent minds being corrupted,
I'm afraid of people that don't care being continually bothered.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:37 No.1951218
>Why would I be sensitive towards market or trade advocates if I believe they're liars?
Because it doesn't just hurt you, it hurts your movement, hurts the chances of you gaining more
supporters, and possibly takes away the supporters you already have.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:37 No.1951220
> if I believe they're liars?
Justify that.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)05:38 No.1951221
>I posted that IP when my computer was turned off and I didn't have a internet connection at
home. So... hmmm... your move?
I don't fucking care if it was your home IP or not, you were posting from it. I don't care if it
was the library I know you sometimes use, or you were leeching someone's wifi, or it was a public
hotspot, or whatever, You were posting from it, you were physically present there at the time.
>Prove you wrong about what? I was pointing out your ad hominem fallacies:
And I was pointing out the fact that you're an asshole. The fact that you keep shitting up /f/
and won't stop unless you're made to. The fact that you keep coming here and posting four fucking
flashes when you know it's not welcome.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:41 No.1951223
Mainly, ad hominem fallacies. I can't address this. Physically present at a computer? Wow, that's
creepy yet should I be flattered that you want to "internet stalk" me?
Trade and property are promoted as honest concepts by market advocates, when in reality property
is a covert form of violence which requires deception.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:42 No.1951225
>when in reality property is a covert form of violence which requires deception.
Expand on that, it sounds baseless.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:43 No.1951227
I don't fear this.
the zeitgeist movement has members, so I'm glad there's some who don't.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)05:45 No.1951228
>Wow, that's creepy yet should I be flattered that you want to "internet stalk" me?
Well considering you use a fake name on facebook I'm guessing you don't want people knowing who
you really are. You knew this was coming.
As for stalking? Well I guess, I want to find out who you really are, and have a go at you with a
I'd say 'break your fingers with a hammer' like that other anon did, but I'm guessing that won't
stop you.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:46 No.1951230
ad hominem fallacy,
beneath this mask there is more than flesh, beneath this mask there is an idea mr. creedy and
ideas are bulletproof.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:47 No.1951231
Please answer the question stated in >>1951225
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:47 No.1951232
ad hominem is zitgeist-chan's word of the day! He's so happy he can use it in a sentence! His
vocabulary studies have paid off!
Ganbatte, zitgeist-chan!
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:49 No.1951234
in my area, there is a mansion right next to a train station and it is offensive as you can see
smaller less confrontational housing.
If that's not covert violence, I do not know what it is.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)05:50 No.1951236
>ideas are bulletproof
I'd like to make this clear. I don't care for zeitgeist either way. What people (including you,
you cum-guzzling faggot) want to believe is the correct solution for societies problems is their
business, weather it be god, zeitgeist, more politicians, or whatever.
I just want to fuck you up because you won't stop flooding /f/ is all. Not your ideology.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:50 No.1951237
Ooh that sounded so badass. I'm totally wet for you!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:52 No.1951239
Covert violence is destroying the peace of an online forum to promote your ideas.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:52 No.1951240
>less confrontational housing.
>If that's not covert violence, I do not know what it is.
This seems subjective, how have you backed your opinion with some sort of study?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:52 No.1951241
that sounds like that feminist thingy with them being raped just by a look
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:52 No.1951242
ad hominem fallacy.
Obviously you are deranged by the idea of doing divine justice, like Kira in Death Note.
Just write my name in a book and count 45 seconds.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:53 No.1951243
You should stop yelling at him and just ask him questions, it's far more effective.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:54 No.1951245
so much ad hominem fallacy in this thread. i feel like i'm in the real life again
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)05:55 No.1951248
Please don't bring feminism into the discussion /v/.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)05:57 No.1951250
I admit to you, I'm not a scientist, yet my personal contention is that a competitive society is
structurally unfair towards the people as the rich vs. poor senario is not an anomaly in a trade
or market society, it is in fact the very basis. Which then falls to market advocates to justify
corruption with the confusion and nonsense talk of monetary-economics, appeals to "human nature"
and "eugenics"
I hate the market and trade, and I blame myself and everyone for supporting such a monster
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:01 No.1951253
You are not a scientist nor appear to have any sort of study related to the phenomena you're
describing (I'm assuming).
Is there any way you could improve the credibility of your statements?
>I hate the market and trade, and I blame myself and everyone for supporting such a monster
This statement seems rather emotional, but not very helpful, do you have any points that have
more substance?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:07 No.1951257
The other day I was talking with friends in a coffee shop when a stranger sat down at our table.
He started talking so loudly I missed some of the conversation I wanted to hear. I tried ignoring
him, but he wouldn't go away. I tried asking him to leave, civilly expressing my dissapproval,
and joking with him, but he never left. He came back to the table several times on different days.
I am not talking to zitgeist-chan, only to the other people at the table: How is zitgeist-chan
different from the stranger in the coffee shop? Why does he deserve more respect?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:07 No.1951258
What exact statement do you want me to expand on?
to go into property more there's the movie I submitted to 4chan in parts called LORD OF WAR.
with the belief in property comes the belief in defending such property and the obsession with
gaining more property. So the biggest scam artist on the planet is nicolas cage in lord of war as
he keeps selling the weapons people think they need to continue the acts of property war.
"that's the secret to survival, never go to war, especially with yourself" -lord of war.
I've done a lot of investigation regarding the anti-zeitgeist perspective vs. the zeitgeist
I've found pro-zeitgeist videos are more reasonable, yet anti-zeitgeist are derogatory, and
mainly their argument against zeitgeist has been ad hominem.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:09 No.1951259
poor example, you don't need to be in the loud zeitgeist conversation comments section which you
don't want to talk about.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:11 No.1951262
You spammed four flashes, and four a few hours ago. You bumped off flashes I'm interested in.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:13 No.1951263
I'm not complaining about this one thread, I"m complaining about the flooding and spamming
practices that show a clear disrespect to /f/, as f4r stated.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:13 No.1951265
>with the belief in property comes the belief in defending such property and the obsession with
gaining more property.
Isn't that what they call the slippery slope fallacy?
>So the biggest scam artist on the planet is nicolas cage in lord of war
I seriously hope you don't base your ideological struggle based on a piece of entertainment ...
that would be questionable, to say the least.
>I've done a lot of investigation regarding the anti-zeitgeist perspective vs. the zeitgeist
Prove it.
>I've done a lot of investigation regarding the anti-zeitgeist perspective vs. the zeitgeist
I'll take what is "anecdotal evidence" and "bias reinforcement" for $400.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:15 No.1951266
they're not gone at all, they're on swfchan
They would be in the most recent.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:18 No.1951268
You've incurred a cost(time and convenience) on people who expect certain content on /f/.
You also mistag and obfuscate the names of your flashes.
Isn't this not violence?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:20 No.1951270
Do hurry up, I await your replies.
I dare say I am almost enjoying them.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:22 No.1951274
Commonly when people WANT zeitgeist to be wrong, they'll be dismissive of any argument I give, no
matter the context, the evidence or what have you.
In a peer reviewed situation I imagine the burden of proof comes from all angles, not just mine.
Yet if you believe zeitgeist is wrong no matter what I say, then there's no way I can argue with
you when I say my most basic statements.
Monetary economics is a religion
Trade and property are covert forms of violence
Open source is good for public health
Competition in any form is bad for public health
are some examples
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:24 No.1951275
>they'll be dismissive of any argument I give, no matter the context, the evidence or what have
So I assume you have no evidence to provide aside from the lack of effort on your part then?
>In a peer reviewed situation I imagine the burden of proof comes from all angles, not just mine.
I am sorry, the burden of proof belongs to the claimant. Doubly so when it comes to scientific
>Monetary economics is a religion
>Trade and property are covert forms of violence
>Open source is good for public health
>Competition in any form is bad for public health
These are unsupported claims, please prove them.
I await your replies warmly.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:24 No.1951276
The content on /f/ is largely always the same.
Hentai, Porn, Loops Games,
and it cycles through those flashes on repeat with new ones of the same exact thing over and over.
In short, I don't respect the naive bubble you want to remain in with vain entertainment.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:25 No.1951278
Most of the posts on /f/ are reposts, so maybe I should just browse swfchan instead of coming
here? Why do you think I come to /f/? Obviously you think my reasons are meaningless, since you
intentionally disrupt my enjoyment as much as is in your power.
You certainly do have the right to post trolling and offensive posts on /f/, but not to flood
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:25 No.1951280
>In short, I don't respect the naive bubble you want to remain in with vain entertainment.
I see, so you resort to violence then.
Glad we made that clear!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:27 No.1951283
Like I said, zitgeist-chan arrogantly despises the very purpose of /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:28 No.1951284
I know, I'm just having a little bit of fun.
It feels almost a little cruel, but still enjoyable!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:29 No.1951285
You are resorting to violence. Not covert violence, by the way, you are literally destroying our
society as much as is in your power.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:30 No.1951286
No almost about it. How can you say you are superior to the people living in mansions, again?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:30 No.1951287
I told you that asking question would be a lot more fruitful~
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:30 No.1951288
If you want to believe zeitgeist is wrong, then it will be wrong or "unproven" as you say.
I am confident for example I'm doing the right thing when I put up posters which say "make love
not war".
Apparently largely what a person's actions is based on is feelings.
Zeitgeist: the movie's (the first zeitgeist film) war montage at the start of the film is the
biggest pull on the heart strings I've ever seen.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:34 No.1951289
I haven't made up my mind yet. Please do not assume things on my behalf. :)
All I'm asking is that you prove your statements! Surely you need to be coherent and truthful to
appeal to our very good sense, yes?
>I am confident for example I'm doing the right thing
Yes, I am sure that you do think that.
Question! If many posters tell you that you're doing the wrong thing, are you still in the right?
Or does that make you a tyrant?
(Hmm, we seem to be nearing some sort of conclusion that you might have some violent tendencies
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:34 No.1951291
Please hurry up! I await your replies warmly!
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:35 No.1951292
submitting zeitgeist flash is not violence lol
I don't believe in capitalism (rich towering over the poor), can't you understand that?
I don't believe in superiority of people, people should use science in regards to decisions
concerning how we organise our social system. The stock market does no such thing!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:36 No.1951293
Putting up a mansion is not violence lol
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:37 No.1951294
putting up posters which say "make love not war" does not make me a tyrant.
How would it? :S
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:39 No.1951296
A mansion in the current social order is violence covertly.
Practicality I would not define as someone owning a 9 billion room mansion with gold plated
toilet seats.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:39 No.1951297
>submitting zeitgeist flash is not violence lol
You are not the victim, have you considered that your point of view on this matter is not shared
by others?
I think you should check your privilege!
>I don't believe in capitalism (rich towering over the poor), can't you understand that?
I am sorry, there have already been other ideologies that address that issue, how is yours better?
I await your replies warmly.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:41 No.1951301
You are covering our posters with your propaganda.
You say, Wait! my propaganda is good and healthy! You don't believe me? Then SUCK IT."
What do your posts have to do with love?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:41 No.1951302
>Practicality I would not define as someone owning a 9 billion room mansion with gold plated
toilet seats.
Hyperbole. That aside, you still have not proven your statement. Merely explained that you were
not a scientist of any sort.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:41 No.1951304
Do learn to read my good chap!
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:42 No.1951305
Besides alluding to the idea that "submitting zeitgeist flash is not violence", you're still yet
to convince me of that idea.
Trade societies are built on the rich towering over the poor. TRADE SOCIETIES, as in any society
that includes ownership or property. Communism is still a TRADE society.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:42 No.1951307
I await your replies warmly~!
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:44 No.1951309
ad hominem fallacy,
I would say a poster which says "make love not war" is to do with love?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:45 No.1951310
Hehe, that is where you lose.
You assume that I was talking to you as a method to appeal to you?
>Trade societies are built on the rich towering over the poor. TRADE SOCIETIES, as in any society
that includes ownership or property. Communism is still a TRADE society.
I am sorry, are you trying to explain the difference in ideology, or your ideology as an
explanation of economies, or just pure opinion.
Please clarify!
I await your replies warmly~
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:46 No.1951312
I am sorry, but that is not a ad hominem.
Please revise and correct. (hehe)
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:46 No.1951313
Basically you can't understand what I'm saying, which is why you keep saying what I say is
"unproven". you don't want zeitgeist to be proven to be true or false.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:47 No.1951314
Please reply faster~
I await your replies warmly~
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:49 No.1951315
But sir, I have not seen one piece of proof so far.
You shouldn't be so quick to judge someone that is interested in what you have to say?
> you don't want zeitgeist to be proven to be true or false.
Wait! Isn't that your job to do so?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:49 No.1951316
I don't take your comment seriously, if you want to "win" in a debate with me then I immediately
will think that you want to be ignorant.
which you are alluding to: ignorance.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:50 No.1951317
And surely, if you can't explain your ideology in a manner that is understandable to the masses,
it would be a good bet to assume that that is a rather huge oversight!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:51 No.1951318
But now you're just rude to people that simply want to learn from you and your great ideology.
Oh no, this is exactly the sort of thing an evangelist should not do!
I await your replies warmly.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:52 No.1951319
Please do not give up, maybe you will find some way to appeal to the masses.
That is until someone starts asking questions, I guess?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:52 No.1951320
the arguments are already in the flash content I submit. Saying I have no proof over and over
while dismissing my reasoning doesn't make me listen to you :)
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:54 No.1951322
But sir, the flash doesn't have prove either.
You're making a circular argument!
Which is another fallacy!
I await your replies warmly~
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:55 No.1951324
I haven't given up, I've got a tonne of posters to put up, and there's plenty of zeitgeist
lectures flash movies.
I don't take you seriously as you dismiss my reasoning and desperately demand proof for what I
You don't want zeitgeist to be right :)
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)06:56 No.1951325
words != proof
Show me a study, or some research, or any scientific work,, with a reputable name attached to it.
>Peter Joseph doesn't count
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:56 No.1951326
>while dismissing my reasoning doesn't make me listen to you :)
Tut tut, young sir, consider what I've told you earlier.
Here's a tip; it's not an argument to appeal to you. It's an argument to embarrass you. Surely a
smart fellow like you could deduce that already?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:57 No.1951328
100 GET!
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)06:57 No.1951329
>desperately demand proof for what I say.
>prove me wrong
Pick one.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:57 No.1951330
damn it
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)06:58 No.1951332
You are a fool, and I am a fool for listening to you.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:58 No.1951333
any argument or evidence that is pro-zeitgeist you will be dismissive of because you want it to
be wrong.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)06:59 No.1951334
How can you say that? You haven't given any.
And anyway, how would it justify you spamming /f/?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)06:59 No.1951335
ad hominem is still not an argument.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:00 No.1951336
"The word cult in current popular usage is a pejorative term for a new religious movement or
other group whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal or bizarre by the larger society."
- Wikipedia
You see that, Zeitgeist fags? You're a cult if we* say you're a cult, not by defining yourself as
one. And we* say you're a cult, so go be a cult somewhere else you stupid motherfuckers.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:00 No.1951337
you are all idiots for feeding the troll
sage this newfags
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:01 No.1951338
Well, and from this point on he'll just repeat himself.
Anyway, I think I've taught everyone how to make zeitgeistchan look like a fool, and I've had my
fun, so I should slag off now. Ta!
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:01 No.1951339
Oh how I wish he were a troll.
Check the facebook page of his I posted in >>1951188 and you'll see.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:03 No.1951341
I can't argue against your ignorance.
I've never seen an actual critical or logical argument against zeitgeist. Never.
only ad hominem, slander and such.
You don't want zeitgeist to be right because that means the whole market social system is totally
ridiculous, which I know it is.
But hey, just keep saying to yourself that the burden of proof TOTALLY relies on me and you don't
have to lift a finger.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:04 No.1951343
>But hey, just keep saying to yourself that the burden of proof TOTALLY relies on me and you
don't have to lift a finger.
This needs to be a meme, laughing my ass off.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:04 No.1951345
you don't know the lengths some people go to troll.
he could just think EVERY HOME IS A PRISON or he every night he could just be DOWN THE PUB
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:05 No.1951346
>keep saying to yourself that the burden of proof TOTALLY relies on me and you don't have to lift
a finge
So... you just want us to take what you say as gospel? Like, I dunno... religion? Or North Korea?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:05 No.1951347
Well it could be a troll, after all its just a namefag.
Doesn't matter, I got to sharpen my blade on him.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:06 No.1951348
85 posts. Zeitgeist flash.
Fuck you guys are stupid, you need to spend more time on /a/ or /v/. Shitposting 101: HIDE AND
fucking morons.
I for one agree with some aspects of what zeitgeist stands for, but if the shit bugs you, fucking
ignore it.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:06 No.1951349
He's not a troll in that he's being insincere about zeitgeist, but zeitgeist-chan is a troll in
that his objective is to annoy everyone as much as possible.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:06 No.1951350
if zeitgeist is a cult, then report it to anti-cult groups if you're so concerned.
Rickross forums were plagued with people who wanted zeitgeist to be a cult. the forum wasn't
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:08 No.1951352
I report every zeitgeist thread I see. I reported this one when it only a couple of replies.
As for hiding, do you use an extension for this? Because I'd very much like it too. Threads on
/f/ don't seem to work like normal ones.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:09 No.1951353
Oh you mean this is sort of false flag like?
Eh, I don't really see the point, it's still going to be a niche movement after all. There is no
point supporting it because it is too small, and no point being against it because it is too
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:09 No.1951354
No one is complaining about the ideals of the zeitgeist movement, except as a way to ridicule the
poster. We are only complaining about his behavior.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:11 No.1951356
I really hope this garbage is a bannable offense.
Why can't he fag it up on youtube like other cult fanatics instead of spamming /f/?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:11 No.1951357
ad hominem still isn't appealing.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:11 No.1951358
you react, he wins its a simple as that,
Stop feeling him and ignore the posts,
he will only post 4 a day and if it really annoys you then just post more flash over the top.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:13 No.1951359
one way or another, ignorant people are going to react irrationally towards the zeitgeist
movement's ideals and its members.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:14 No.1951360
You actually made me consider something interesting
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:15 No.1951363
Should they be reported as spam or rules violation?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:16 No.1951364
it's been banned here as "spam" (junk).
Yet I know zeitgeist hasn't been looked into, Anonymous and moot WANT zeitgeist to be junk,
communist propaganda or what have you so they can personally believe they're banning garbage.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:16 No.1951365
I've been keeping an eye on him. Doesn't matter if he gets his replies or not, he posts his four
god-damn flashes damn near every day.
I tried ignoring it. He's been going for months now.
Fucks sake, it's only 12% of the board space, too.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:16 No.1951366
and this matters how,
/f/ is for the enjoyment of flash, and I really like this board and posting what I like as well
and enjoying others flash
Create a website, a blog, a forum or even your own image board for this stuff, if you want to
create awareness. Be creative and be proactive in contributing if you really care about spreading
a positive message,
Don't worry next time I come round again I'll only remind you of this again
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:17 No.1951367
Takes more effort to make an account.
Eh, then again I always view comments of a flash before clicking on the flash itself. Doubt
anyone else does any different.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:17 No.1951369
ad hominem still isn't valid.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:20 No.1951370
I don't submit to being banned censored deleted and so forth.
I have my own personal awareness, if this is controversial awareness then that makes it
If /f/ is for entertainment, then yes I do find this entertainment.
>> [_] sage sage 04/22/13(Mon)07:20 No.1951371
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:21 No.1951373
I'm not entirely sure myself.
He's trying to force his ideas and ideals on a community via posting and reposting, so in that
sense it's spam.
But he also violates a fuckton of rules too (globals 9, 10, 14, and 17, /f/'s 1, 3 and 4) so
there's that too/
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:23 No.1951376
Zeitgeist-chan, I really wish you would get it into your head that we HATE YOU, NOT THE ZEITGEIST
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:23 No.1951377
Either way, I've tried reporting it as both, neither seem to get it removed.
Join the current thread on /q/: >>>/q/558208
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:24 No.1951378
besides particular anonymous on 4chan trying to stalk my activity on the internet (ad hominem),
Some people are trying the same thing because of my other personal awareness and they call it
"spam" among the other slanderous labels.
There's always resistance regarding zeitgeist movement awareness so why not ironically submit it
to where it will be most resisted?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:24 No.1951379
yeah well i get to go to a funeral on wednesday, I get to put up with being bullshitted around
pretty much for the rest of my life and have to work and support myself like I always have and
you get to do nothing and be proud. I hope you're happy. And yes you know who I am.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:26 No.1951381
I've never reported someone before. I guess nobody has pissed me off enough to in the way this
guy does.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:27 No.1951382
ad hominem
I am sorry about the funeral, yet I am not "doing nothing" as I would imagine spreading messages
like "make love not war" is a nice thing to do.
I don't take pride in the idea of people working to support themselves as I believe in
cooperation, not competition.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:30 No.1951384
dude its bullshit and condescending seriously.
You say this and make this message in such a hate filled way.
And yes this is hate, it is provoking people in a kind of way in which is for your own personal
It's hypocritical and I and fucking fed up with it.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:30 No.1951385
Maybe it's a way to get people desensitized to grassroots movements.
Then again, I guess anythings possible, best keep a logical and coolheaded approach to everything
as always.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:31 No.1951387
wanting cooperation instead of competition is not selfish.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:31 No.1951388
Yeah, and we did point out that his actions are inherently violent. Either he doesn't care(isn't
smart enough to), or is just trolling.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:32 No.1951389
what and you think you are really going to achieve this by aggravating people?
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:33 No.1951390
the flash that I submit is not violent.
take the gore flash movies (embedded video)
or the trick flashes which make loud noise and quickly flashing frames.
ad hominem again by the way.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:33 No.1951391
Like I said, could be a false flag, a troll, or just someone thats really really stupid.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:34 No.1951392
It seems to me the main concern is breaking global rules 9, 10, 11, and 14 (proxies), as well as
I'll try writing a copypasta to sage with and encourage anons to report. Does anyone think that
won't be a good idea?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:34 No.1951393
>142 replies
I'm pretty sure noone is stupid enough to think zeitgeist is a cult, but that's not the point
here. The point is that this shit still isn't wanted on /f/. Zeitfag pls just go.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:35 No.1951394
People are aggravating themselves, if they see one of my posters that say "make love not war" and
get arrogated, how can I take that seriously?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:36 No.1951395
Hm? I think its better that everyone is trained with the proper knowledge to ignore him.
Reporting him does nothing in the long term, though we should find out if his ISP uses dynamic
IPs or not, if not, getting him IP banned would be useful.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:37 No.1951396
ad hominem fallacy.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:38 No.1951398
I was considering just replying to every zeitgeist flash with 'dolan pls'.
Shit, I even made a trip for it: #.c4-iU-P comes out as !2QDOLANZ/Q, I thought the 2Q was
somewhat relevant
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:39 No.1951399
about 6 preeminent times have come my way for submitting zeitgeist.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:39 No.1951401
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:40 No.1951402
its condescension,
If you are meaningful in what you promote then why devalue your message by replying in the first
I know you're not naive enough to know this effect on people.
You need to stop this because you are capable of so much more than this behavior.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:41 No.1951403
I agree, science is communism and science is religion. Be proper educated and ignore zeitgeist.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:41 No.1951404
People started to voice their hate toward this guy and about getting rid of him and his spam.
Thank you for putting effort into stopping this guy and showing me that thread.
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:42 No.1951405
I am sorry, but I'm FUCKING worried about people.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:42 No.1951406
Yeah, I'm starting to think that this is a troll.
Notice the increase in frequency of replies to start people responding again.
I think I'll have this filed under troll.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:43 No.1951407
copypasta below:
/f/riends, please don't respond to Zeitgeist-chan. The best thing to do is report his threads and
ignore his rude behavior.
He has repeatedly and deliberately broken global rules 9 (ban evasion), 10 (flooding), 14
(proxies), as well as rule 6 (importance of quality and community).
With your help, we can defend ourselves from this menace.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:45 No.1951408
Hmm, you should change your pasta.
Or not use it at all, I think people should learn how to ignore trolls instead of being told not
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:45 No.1951410
You can act upon this in far better ways, and I have already tried to help you and you just wont
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 04/22/13(Mon)07:46 No.1951411
Saved thanks. Have some reheated pasta:
A nigger, a Jew and a grossly obese Mexican man walk into a gay bar. They approach a cum-gargling
with a 2-inch long, always-flaccid penis using a laptop at a table.
"You wanna come back to our place?" the nigger asks the faggot. "You can toss my Mexican friend's
herpes-and-shit-covered salad and jerk my Jewish friend's wart-and-pimple-covered penis while I
ram my
giant unlubed nigger-cock into your gaping oft-fucked asshole."
"Literally nothing in the world would make me happier," says the faggot. "But first I need to
start a zeitgeist thread on /f/. It will just take a moment."
>> [_] zeitgeist 04/22/13(Mon)07:46 No.1951412
censorship, guaranteed ignorance.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)07:47 No.1951413
but yeah I've got to go eat.
Take care all, nice talk.
Thanks for the entertainment, ZC.