File: 443020_mario.swf-(1.61 MB, Japanese)
[_] /r/ inside Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)09:59 No.1986753
Cirno's perfect math class (the original)
thx anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)10:23 No.1986766
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)11:47 No.1986810
Unfortunately, this flash sums up too well how Luigi is treated in all of the current games.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)11:50 No.1986815
Very true, Luigi is just cast aside like some kind of extra character for a 2 player mode.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)12:37 No.1986850
Oh look, it's the remake that COMPLETELY MISSES THE POINT of both the original video and the
lyrics it's using