File: Hatsune Miku - Happy Fruit ;3.swf-(7.42 MB, Japanese)
[_] Are you happy yet? #1 Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)07:49 No.1960805
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)07:53 No.1960806
you're a bit late
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)08:13 No.1960818
I wonder what it'd be like to live in Japan; even the most highly acclaimed pop stars can't talk
about bananas and melons without making suggestive references to fellatio and boobs.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)12:32 No.1960945
>even the most highly acclaimed pop stars
Yeah I bet you think all the vocaloids are on the radio too over here. No. If you like Miku or
the vocaloids over here you are either A, a girl, or B, an otaku.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)13:59 No.1961003
>> [_] Anonymous 05/02/13(Thu)15:21 No.1961074
I still like Popipo better