File: A_TROLL!.swf-(7.01 MB, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)15:18 No.1926404
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)15:20 No.1926405
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)16:17 No.1926438
first time seeing this, i'm impressed.
and very entertained.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)16:23 No.1926446
>troll uses a mac
>complains about no one knowing about building a PC
this is gold
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)16:23 No.1926447
I always forget the name of this show, someone tell me. Legendary for its dub being better than
the sub.
>> [_] !!ZCOwRDNbwOQ 03/27/13(Wed)16:37 No.1926456
/g/ vs /fit/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)16:41 No.1926459
Cromartie High
I forgot too, I had to type Get Up Freddy on youtube to remember lol
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)16:59 No.1926483
/r/ing for the flash when they do the chorus thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)17:11 No.1926490
Parenthesis laugh
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/13(Wed)18:38 No.1926563
All 3 forms of irony done in one 5 minute bit.