File: canary.swf-(2.16 MB, Game)
[_] never click [G]? try this one Anonymous 05/23/13(Thu)23:03 No.1982221
>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/13(Thu)23:13 No.1982228
cute game, but boring
>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/13(Thu)23:29 No.1982245
>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/13(Thu)23:36 No.1982252
intro too long, never got to play
i'll get this add checked someday
>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/13(Thu)23:54 No.1982270
Good game. Moves way too slow though. I'd guess it picks up in the later levels. I could see
potential for those tendril things being used in some cool puzzles.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/13(Thu)23:56 No.1982273
>I am bad at playing the game, therefore I hate it.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/13(Thu)23:59 No.1982274
>intro too long
what? it's like nothing
it's the right speed for me
gets pretty quick later on
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/13(Fri)00:07 No.1982282
>break block in 2 places
>push it and it doesnt move
>doing some puzzle
>rocks from earlier on are still on the screen and getting in the way when it is clearly not
intended to be part of the included difficulty
>hotbox of the character is larger than the actual pixels, thus getting electrocuted by the fence
when not actually touching it
yeah fuck this game, try not wasting all the effort on the visual effects and background music
and code something that isnt shit
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/13(Fri)00:10 No.1982286