File: mystery mask.swf-(1.11 MB, Other)
[_] who is he? very spooky.. Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)10:15 No.1972203
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)10:19 No.1972208
dunno if OC but haven't seen this before i think so good jub
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)10:20 No.1972209
me again,
sorry i want my cash back, the slow music part was good, rest isn't :[
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)10:22 No.1972212
it is OC, so at least be thankful it's not spam or zeitgiest bs
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)10:22 No.1972213
pump the blood back into /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)13:16 No.1972348
sauce on piano?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)13:21 No.1972352
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)13:50 No.1972367
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)14:28 No.1972394
pretty sure its part of the soundtrack for Heavy Rain
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)14:35 No.1972400
>My face when we used that kind of masks in a play I was in.
>They were treated with some fluorecent shit so they shone in the dark.
>There were over 20 of 'em.
>You are now thinking a mob of floating masks in the darkness.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/13(Mon)15:28 No.1972432
"I wear no mask."