File: dwarven_complete_v1_a.mod.swf-(1.63 MB, Game)
[_] l2 dwarf Lineage II 04/27/13(Sat)06:31 No.1956329
Still haven't completed this. Can't get the water to flood the final room
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)08:43 No.1956395
how can i build the magnet?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)09:12 No.1956403
Last time it was posted I spent an entire night finishing it. It was a frustratingly fun
Where is the sequel?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)09:15 No.1956404
Once you have solved the 1-8 puzzle and gotten the key, open the door above the key and get the
equipment, go to the left room where there is a chest and get the first piece.
Go all the way back to the room above the spiral that has a cannon that moves back and forward.
Get the chest by shooting it down for the second piece.
Go back to the room with the book and click on the red button in the magnet recipe page
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)10:04 No.1956423
That fist looking thing above the Gold key room, move the metal block in front of the pointer
finger. Then get to the top of the face building one screen left and push the button.
Power flick!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)10:07 No.1956425
Okay cool game, but how to get pass the 'time' room? What's the best route?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)10:08 No.1956427
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)10:32 No.1956448
how to get gold key
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)12:46 No.1956521
How do I start? Got to the book thing but then everything is a dead end
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)12:48 No.1956523
oh right you're meant to savescum
well that's silly
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)13:33 No.1956548
hahaha what you suck
light all the damn torches
I activate the buttons in this order:
push block down, hit purple to the right, run left, magnet block down and then magnet self up,
hit blue, dig out, go back down past the block, push other block right and down, dig down and to
the right to reach red in the nick of time
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)13:42 No.1956561
>hahaha what you suck
The bow item. you have to reload your save to collect it
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)13:57 No.1956578
got it, but with walkthrough
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/13(Sat)14:11 No.1956594
turns out I was wrong, the walls without shadows are fake. also turns out there are quite a few
of those