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Threads (3):
File[grindhouse death proof.swf] - (4.48 MB) [_] [L] FIGHT THE FURRY with death Anon 1140687 fight the furry, bump this Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1140710 OBBY MORE >> [_] Anon 1140736 wouw this is awesome >> [_] Anon 1140764 SUDDENLY A CONVERSE FROM THE DASH >> [_] Anon 1140860 Damn grindhouse was a great movie. >> [_] Anon 1140862 COOL! >> [_] Anon 1140864 >># Don't you mean, movies?
File[grindhouse death proof.swf] - (4.48 MB) [_] [L] car crash epic death.. Anon 1078264 WHY YES ITS BRUTAL AND FLASH DOSNT TO BAD 2 DAY Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1078274 who sticks their foot out of a car window? >> [_] Anon 1078278 >># Someone in a Tarantino film, of course. >> [_] Anon 1078287 >># I've seen girls do it. Usually in traffic and not at speed, but I've seen plenty of dumbasses hanging their feet / a foot out the passenger window. >> [_] Anon 1078291 Vanessa Ferlito was so fucking hot in that movie. >> [_] Anon 1078294 i jizzed >> [_] Anon 1078296 And the guy survives? These gore movies are always shitty excuses for blood without the least bit of sense. >> [_] Anon 1078319 I remember this part. Shit was so crash. >> [_] Latinofaaaag! 1078363 >># Yeah, and he is quite the dick too.. That movie is so fucking EPIC.. I Liked the other one more though.. The zombiethingies one.. >> [_] Alan Shore !De..W0m.u. 1078372 oh lol that tire grinds that backseat whore's face off >> [_] Anon 1078374 i pooped >> [_] Anon 1078381 those bitches are hot >> [_] Anon 1078446 what the hell happened to that bitch's lips >> [_] Anon 1078474 Sadly the best part of Deathproof. >> [_] Anon 1078498 >># Watch the goddamn movie. His car is "death proof." >> [_] Anon 1078501 watched this with the end of Dethklok's Laser Canon Deth Sentence playing in the background. scene was made that much more awesome. >> [_] Anon 1078554 >># thanks for the idea.... >> [_] Anon 1078610 Anyone notice how they worked a Wilhelm Scream into this? Frame 890 if you're using Flash Movie Player
File[grindhouse death proof.swf] - (4.48 MB) [_] [?] death proof, AWSOMEly brutal death Anon 1074640 im bored so i did this just now 4 you all, Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1074689 Fukkan epic. Ty Anon. :D Love this movie. >> [_] Anon 1074707 guise, they were just asking for it 'cause they weren't in the kitchen like they're supposed to be >> [_] Anon 1074711 lol the fucking wilhelm scream is in there >> [_] Anon 1074712 ZOMG SO COOL >> [_] Anon 1074744 Awesome movie, but I still prefer Grindhouse Planet Terror. >> [_] Anon 1074781 >># I noticed that too. lol >> [_] Anon 1074801 FUCK YES /F/, I LOVE YOU >> [_] Anon 1074807 >># That was like one of the best 45 seconds of my life, you sir, or ma'am are awesome. |