File[TRUE STAR.swf] - (4.14 MB)
[_] [A] Anon 1075541
>> [_] Sankaku Senpai !!ACG10twk1XZ 1075544 Not nearly as good as True Note... Get this off of my /f/.
>> [_] Tripan !!GDT6q55vw8k 1075655 Its like Bollywood made an anime...
>> [_] Schaff Games !LX9iJK9w3s 1075657 Those damn nicos are starting to make Tunak Tunak Tun unfunny.
>> [_] Sankaku Senpai !!ACG10twk1XZ 1075712 >># True Note was hilarious. This stuff is shit.
>> [_] Anon 1075742 keep the middle east off our internets. The internets belong to the west. GTFO
>> [_] nyan !91iMi6CIYI 1075749 dur dur dur dur DAHT DAH DEDAHT DAHHHH dur dur dur dur DAHT DAH DEDAHT DAHHHH YAAADALLAAAAA YADALLAAAAAAAAA lmao
>> [_] Anon 1075761 How is this new or imaginative. Take MP3. Take video. Combine. Now watching the fully animated K-ON tuank tuank tuank video is ZOMG amazing.