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Threads (2):
File[stHarry_tomaLite3.swf] - (7 KB) [_] [H] READ INSIDE Anon 1469620 I'm trying to post this flash made by the same creators of Ganguro Girl but it's giving me a Duplicate File Entry message even though this flash hasn't been posted in two years, so follow the link below to look at it. http://swfchan.com/17/80772/?flash006.swf Now, if you choose to use the direct link in swfchan, you will need to be fast as fuck to get this game to play since it's protected. When the flash loads, it will automatically redirect you to a dead website, click the back button on whatever browser you are using and when it shows the warning part, "QUICKLY!" click the stop button before it redirects you again (firefox users, click on the X next to the refresh button) then right click and play to get to the game. This method is easier for slow connection users. It will be easier to run this in a flash player capable of skipping frames such as swfopener. >> [_] /X/-PERT 1469622 but is it worth playing? >> [_] Anon 1469623 >># It plays like the Holio-U games but the art is much better.
File[tomaLite3.swf] - (7 KB) [_] [H] Anon 1093180 >> [_] Anon 1093387 too bad you can't use the hand to slap/choke the shit out of her. Now that'd be a game! >> [_] ass fan 1093402 sux >> [_] sage sage 1093455 goes in every field >> [_] 9ingerman 1093463 fail |